Chapter 21

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First of all: don't forget that my fics (english versions) are on my other account. I did that because everything was gettin way too confusing on my profile page so... yeah... it's Claaau_2 (what? I'm original :p)

So... this chapter sucks, sorry for that :(

Louis’ POV

I took a deep breath twice trying to keep calm and turn my back on them walking to my apartment as I had initially thought. Probably, she pretended to give up on the wedding and pretended to love me so I wouldn’t leave me, because she was sorry for me.

I opened my apartment’s door, taking off the jacket and throwing it to the floor. I should be fucking some whore right now right in front of her, maybe she’d know what I’m feeling now.

Maybe I should do it.

Fuck, I wouldn’t be able to do it. I love her, more than anything in the world.

I got up from the couch after spending the whole afternoon looking at the ceiling, wait for Emily and thinking what I should do. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whiskey, filling the glass till it poured, drinking everything right away, noticing only then, in a note she wrote me.

“Don’t worry…” I muttered to myself, while ripping the note. “Fuck!” I shouted and threw the bottle of whiskey against the wall. “Not again, fuck.”

In the second the bottle met the wall shattering into pieces, the sound of the door opening sounded. I took a deep breath to stay calm, I wasn’t going to say anything to her, I wanted her to tell me herself and, if she didn’t do it today, I would have to leave.

“Louis? Is everything alright?” Her sweet voice asked showing concern and she ran to me, watching me very attentively.

“Nothing. I just let the bottle fall.” I answered cold, realizing the mistake I did only after I spoke.

Emily’s POV

“Have you been drinking?” I asked. “Louis?”

“No, it was just a drink, Emily.” He answered.

“What happened?”

“Nothing.” He simply answered.

I took a deep breath, trying not to bombard him with questions to get what was happening because I know he would be worse than what he already is, if he wants he will tell me, even though I can’t stop feeling worried.

“I’m making dinner.” He said always in the same cold tone, which made me swallow.

“Okay. I-I’m going to take a shower.” I said and my voice failed.

I dragged my feet to Louis’ room, where a placed the little bag I had on my hand, I had asked john to go get some stuff from the apartment, which led to more tears and made my heart grow even smaller and made more sad and bad at myself.

But that wasn’t the only thing that was worrying me, I had kissed john and, even though it was a goodbye kiss, I felt like I betrayed Louis and I only felt like crying every time I thought about that.

The hot water fell on my body and I took a deep breath in an attempt of relaxing, but I just couldn’t. If I didn’t tell Louis I would feel guilty, but if I tell he will think that I had betrayed him and leave.

I didn’t know what to do.

I rolled up a towel around my body when I finished my shower and went to the bedroom, I stand there with my head down, while the tears fall. I wanted to tell him but I couldn’t tell. But I had to tell or it’d be worse, I wouldn’t be able to live with it, because I hate secrets. But what if he got mad? Oh my God, of course he will be mad, I kissed another guy, besides, it’s Louis, which means, it’ll be worse than the stereotype. If there’s one…

“Emily, dinner is ready.” Louis’ voice said and I took a deep breath so he wouldn’t hear me crying. “Emily?”

“Yes, I’m c-coming…” I answered, but my voice failed and I cursed myself for that.

I hope he didn’t noticed.




“Are you crying?”


I felt a pair of arms around my waist which made me shiver and the towel almost fell if I hadn’t hold it tight against my body. Louis’ hand went to my chin, rising it for me to look at him.

“What’s up?”



“I… I went to talk with John.”

“Yes, I know.” He answered and I saw his face tense.

“He… he was so sad and he asked me to kiss him goodbye and I didn’t know what to do, but he was so sad and I was only making him suffer and I kissed him and I didn’t wanna tell you because I know now you will think that I betrayed you and that I don’t love you and you’ll want to leave, because that’s what any other person would do, but I had to tell you. I’m sorry!” I talked really fast and, at each word I said, the tears would increase.

“God, I wasn’t expecting you telling me… fuck! I’m so stupid.! He said and I looked at him, confused, while he sat on the bed with his face hidden by his hands.


“I saw everything, Emily. I saw him kissing you.”


“And I thought you were betraying me and that you faked everything because you felt sorry for me.” He answered and shook his head.

“I knew it…” I said to myself and more tears slipped from my eyes.

Louis rose his face looking at me with his blue eyes and got up from the bed, walking to me and I got on my tiptoes and my arms rounded his neck, making the towel fall to the floor unintentionally. Louis arms rounded my naked waist, while his lips planted a kiss on my neck, making my heart race immediately.


“No, I’m sorry.”

“Let’s forget this.” He whispered. “Even though I hate that you kiss other guys.” He said and attacked my lips, kissing me roughly and biting my lower lip in the end making me moan. “Your lips are only mine. You’re only mine. Say you’re mine.”

“Make me.”

“Since when you’re so saucy?”

“It’s your fault.”

“We better go dinner.” He said and squeezed my butt. “Then the dessert.” He added with a perverted smile.

He stop hugging my waist, but I pulled him to me, which made him look at me surprised. I bit my lip.

“Wait. Close your eyes before stepping back.”

“Emily, come on, I’ve seen you naked before-“

“Shh! Close your eyes.”

“Okay.” He said huffing and so he did it.

I caught the towel from the floor and rolled it up around my body, when I opened my mouth to tell him that he could open his eyes, I saw him with a smile on his face, while looking at me with full attention, which made me blush.


“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.”

“Get out!” I said pushing him.

“Careful with the towel.”


As he got out of the room, I locked the door and I made sure he knew it. He just laughed and said he was waiting form me in the kitchen. I laugh to myself, happy and relieved because he didn’t left or something like that. I don’t know what I would do if he did that, I need him. Like a flower needs its water.

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