Chapter 24

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Okay, so this chapter is basically a cute moment between Emily and Louis, so it may be a bit boring if you like more action and confusion and stuff, but... yeah, sorry

Barbara Palvin is going to be Mary, picture on the side :)

and I made a trailer fr the week on Hawaii (it's on the side too), because a lot is going to happen muahahahahah ^^

once again, sorry for the mistakes and all of that...




I turned my eyes of the camera and looked up trying to see who spoke and I found who I really didn’t wanted to find. She was there, standing, with an extremely small bikini like if she wanted to scream and show the world how much of a whore she is, besides, she had a smile on her face that said everything but “good person”.

“Mary.” I said, starting to get annoyed just by her presence, after all, I didn’t forget what she did to Louis right in front of me.

“Emily, good to see you here.” She said with a fake smile.

“Well, I can’t share the same thought.” I answered and her smile immediately disappeared. “Do you need something?”

“Yes, I do, but I suppose Louis has to take care of that.”


“Do you know where he is?”

“No.” I lied.

“Well, then, be careful, he’s probably with some girl he found in the beach, like he was with me on the other time. You know Louis, right?”

“Shut up.”

“But, oh well, can’t blame them, Louis’ an extremely good fuck. Oh God! Just thinking about it… hmm…”

“Well, I guess your imagination has to do. Keep dreaming.”

“A dream that will come true.” She answered and I laughed sarcastically.


“Oh come one, Emily. You saw what happened in New York, the way he was grabbing me, those hands… hmm… those hands of his make miracles. If you had not arrived and interrupted, maybe we had-“

“Enough!” I said, rising up from the towel and getting closer to her.

“Ops. Looks like I hit a nerve.”

“Well, I may hit your face then.”

“Wow, hey, what’s happening here?” I heard Louis voice right behind me. “Mary?”

“Louis, baby!” Mary said running to him to cling to his neck in an attempt of hugging him, but Louis got her away from him with no delicacy at all, which made me a little happier.

“What you think you’re doing?” He asked and she looked at him confused.

“I came to the beach.” She said pointing to her body, to which Louis didn’t look. “What’s the matter Louis? We both know you want it to, I mean, you want it since New York, right?”

“You know very well what happened in New York.”

“I know very well what would have happened in New York, if she wouldn’t have showed up.”

“I think that was not the problem.” I answered.

“No one’s talking to you.” She answered, not taking that whore smile off her lips. “Emily, honey, you know very well with who you are.”

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