Chapter 4

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You and I
We don't wanna be like them
We can make it till the end
Nothing can come between
You and I
Not even the Gods above can
Separate the two of us
No nothing can come between

You and I

Louis’ POV

I finally stand up, after five minutes on my knees because of her hitting me. I didn’t know she had so much strength. And I couldn’t understand why she kept saying she doesn’t remember me.

I have to know what happen in these last three years and there was only one way of knowing and, for that, I need to have a lot of patience. I took my phone from the pocket and called him once more.

“Louis! My friend! What made you call me… again?”

“I need you to do me something, Max.”

“I owe you nothing anymore.”

“Don’t worry, I’m paying for it.”

“I really hope so, last time I did that girl thing for you little buddy Harry he didn’t paid me.”

“I have nothing to do with him. Wait, what did you say?”


“I’ll pay you the triple if you tell me what Harry asked you.”

“What if you pay me the triple and what Harry asked me?”

“I don’t…” I took a deep breath. “Deal.”

“How do I know you’re not tricking me?”

“What if I give you the money first?” I offered, trying not to lose it.

“Hmm… that sounds good. Tell what do you want?”

“I need you to scour someone, I want to know everything she did in these last three years.” I said and he whistled. “Can you do it?”

Yeah, but, dude, three years? This is going to take some time… and money.”

“Don’t worry about that, be as discreet and fast as you can.”

“Tomlinson, I’m going to charge for that hard.”

“I told you that’s not a problem.”

“Yeah, I forgot… you know how to make money, right?”

“I’m done with that.”

“That’s not what I heard.”

“That’s not why I called you.”

“Easy, bro. tell me the name.”

“Beatrice Fray.”

“Let me guess: it’s the girl’s mommy?”


“Dude. You are desperate!”

“Don’t make me regret of calling you.”

“Okay, okay, whatever. Send me the money, I’ll tell you when I get it and then I’ll tell you when it’s all done.”



Emily’s POV

The day has run without me seeing Louis not even once, maybe he was embarrassed because of what he did and he better be. I sighed, it is better if I don’t tell john about this, I don’t want him to get mad, besides it didn’t mean nothing to me… right? Ugh, of course not, but what the heel is happening to me?

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