Chapter 41

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WARNING: this chapter has some sex scenes, so if you don't like to read those, stop reading when you see the bold sentence, skip that part and start reading it when you see bold again :)




Emily’s POV

My eyes opened and I saw that Louis was still sleeping. I took my phone and saw that it was almost eight, I was so anxious for this day because it was Christmas Eve and because it was Louis’ birthday that I couldn’t even sleep right.

I got up from the bed really slowly, trying not to make any abrupt movements so I wouldn’t wake Louis up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, walking to the kitchen. I turn my laptop on and started reading pancakes’ recipes online because Louis’ right when he says I’m not a great cook.

I started taking the necessary ingredients out, following every step that were written closely and, almost an hour later, there was a really good smell of pancakes on the air. Okay, they were nothing compared to the ones Louis use to bake but I’m sure they were good, at least they had sugar.

I guess.

After spreading honey on the pancakes I went to the bedroom since Louis hadn’t shown up yet on the kitchen which wasn’t normal of him. I smiled seeing he was still asleep and laid down right next to him, placing very kisses on his neck, till I heard him moaning low and smiling.

“What a great way to wake up.” He said with his voice husky because of sleep.

“Happy birthday!” I said kissing him on the cheek.

“Thanks, Em.”

“I made breakfast.”

You made breakfast?”

“Oi! The meaning is what matters.”

“Okay, okay.” He raised his hands in the air laughing.

“I’m going to make hot chocolate.” I said, giving him one more kiss on the cheek. “Coming?”


I went to the kitchen while he went to the bathroom and I started making the hot chocolate, till I felt hands on my waist and a kiss on my neck, making me shiver and smile at the same time. I turned to face Louis and he kissed me passionately. His hand started going up my leg, raising my shirt a bit and my hand met his bare chest since he was still only in his boxers.



“Break…fast…” I said between the kisses.

“That’s what I’m doing right now.”

“Stop being such a pervert.”

“That’s like asking a dog to start meowing.”

“Sit.” I ordered smiling. “Now taste it.” I asked after he sat down and started staring at him waiting to see his reaction.

“Emily, you’re burning my skin.” He said in a playful tone and looked at me.

“Oh sorry. Do you like it?”



“Yes, it’s really good.”

“Internet helped a bit.”

“The meaning is what matters.”

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