Chapter 6

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Emily’s POV

“Just one more.” John asked, when I was about to get out of the car.

“John, I’m already late and Mr. Jefferson will dissect me as soon as he sees me.” I said, kissing for the fifth or sixth time and he laughed.

“I’m sure he will forgive you.”

“You don’t know him at all.” He pulled me to him once again and kissed me. “Now I really have to go.”

I got out of the car and ran to the agency, not just because it was raining but, also, because I love for my life. When I got in I almost bumped against Mr. Jefferson who was talking to Kayla. I took a deep breath to get the courage to face the monster.

“Emily, you’re late.”

“Hm… I know and I am so sorry, Mr. Jefferson.”

“I hope it doesn’t become a habit.”

“I guarantee you it won’t.” I reassured him with my best smile.


I sighed when it was finally time to go home. It has been a long week, all because of Louis, and I am really tired, so, weekend is going to be precious. I’m still trying to figure out how a person can change so much what I do and feel. I don’t even know him!

I packed my things, wished a good weekend to Kayla and went to the parking lot. When I got there, I started searching for my car keys, but I couldn’t find it anywhere, till I remembered john didn’t gave it to me, after lunch.

“Great!” I said sarcastic, sighing in frustration.

“Need help?” His voice sounded, right behind me.

That is just what I needed!

“No, Louis.”

I took my phone and called john who, as I expected, didn’t answered his phone. Perfect! Now I have to walk home, or catch a cab, but, for that, I still have to go to the ATM to get money. Opening my wallet, I noticed my card wasn’t there, it was probably in the car since I went shopping. Ugh!

“Are you sure you don’t need help?”

“No… I mean, yes.”

I huffed annoyed because he was my only solution. Unless I want to walk home, which I wouldn’t, because I live in London and not in Hawaii, so I don’t really feel like walk six kilometers in the pouring rain.

“Come on, I take you home, you just have to tell me where it is.” He said smiling like if he was a kid, which make him kind of adorable.

Mental slap.


I got in his car and I felt the smell of his perfume immediately. In a way, that smell is familiar to me and I can’t understand how or why and that only makes me confused and irritated and scared, because he makes me feel odd things and I don’t even know who he is.

Louis got in the car right next to me and pull out the car, following the instructions I was giving him till we got to my apartment.

“Hm… thank you, Louis.” I thanked about to leave, but, when I tried to reach the door to open it, Louis locked the car. I looked at him with my eyes widened and scared. “What are you doing?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“Unlock the car.” I asked, but he ignored me, so I started pushing it. “Louis!”

Being locked inside the car was making me panic, not because of him… well, that too, but, mostly, by the mere fact of being locked and can’t get out.

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