Chapter 36

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Emily’s POV

Louis had finally got out of the hospital as soon as the doctors thought he was recovered and ready to go home. I was really happy to have him back even though he couldn’t make much efforts.

My mum was in some prison for people with mental illnesses, apparently she had some kind of obsession and she also had leukemia. However, I got in shock the moment I knew about all of that and I got to know what she got to that point, after all we don’t to see out mother suffering because we love her, but she’s not my mother because mother’s don’t do what she did to me and I know she was fine in the beginning.

I just asked for them not to tell me a thing about her. I don’t wanna know anything about her. I don’t care about her because I don’t want to think that she exists because I know that will only make me suffer and think about things I shouldn’t nor want to think.

On that moment, I had a cup with hot chocolate and I was sitting on the porch, covered by a blanket, while I just stand there watching the cars passing by and the city lights, trying to calm myself down.

I couldn’t sleep, today I had one more appointment with my doctor to check if everything was alright and to see if there was no more “fetal residues” ash they had called it. I just couldn’t stop thinking what would have happened if I hadn’t fell, how would the baby looked like, if the baby was a boy or a girl, the name I was going to give him… or her…

A tear slipped from my eye.

Even though some time has passed, it was like everything just happened today, the pain was smaller but it was still there and it was tormenting me every time I had to go to the doctor, every time I thought about it, every time I thought about my mother, every time I saw a child at the park or every time I saw a pregnant woman…

“Can’t you sleep?” Louis asked behind me, hugging me by the waist and leaning his head on my shoulder.



“It’s nothing, I just wasn’t sleepy…”


Louis grabbed my hand, taking the cup from my hand gently and pulled me, first to the kitchen to leave the cup there and then to our bedroom where he laid me on the bed, which made me laugh.

“I know it’s because of the baby, but getting sad only makes me sad and it doesn’t fix anything, it’s not gonna make them not happened or make you go back in time. I know it must be hard for you hear this but it’s the truth. I’m sad too and sometimes I also think none of this is real and that nothing happened, but truth is that it did happened and we can’t do anything t change it, okay?” He said in a soft tone.


“The doctor said everything was fine now, that everything was normal with you and that we could try again…” As he was talking a perverted smile grew on his face and I just shook my head smiling. “And trying will be the best part and the funniest.”

“You’re such a perverted!”

“Hey, I’m just telling the truth.”

“Thank you, Lou.”

“For what?” He asked confused.

“Fr being here by my side.”

“As long as you love I will always be on your side and I will make sure that nothing will separate us.”

“Good. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Louis planted a soft kiss on my lips and turned off the lights laying down on the bed right away covering our bodies with the blankets, hugging me by my waist next.

A smile appeared on my lips seconds before my eyes closed.


I woke up with my phone ringing and I heard Louis muttering something about the fact that it was Saturday which made me laugh. I took my phone and walked to the living room picking it up.

“Emily Fray?”


“This is from the hospital. We have the in that you don’t want to receive any information from your mother, but I had to call you and tell you that she’s here at the hospital at this moment in critical condition. These may be her last hours…” The lady said.

“Oh, I… I wasn’t expecting that… huh… thank you.”

I sat on the couch with my face hidden in my hands. I didn’t know what I should do. These could be her last hours and any other person would have ran to the hospital to say goodbye to her mother, but she harmed me too much and that’s why I don’t know what am I supposed to do, I don’t know if I should visit her or pretend that nothing happened.

But she’s my mother!

Even though she harmed me a lot and was basically the reason why I lost my baby.

What am I going to do?

“Emily, is everything alright?”

“I don’t know…”

“What happened?”

“I got a call from the hospital… huh… apparently my mother is there and she may be living her last hours and… I don’t know what to do…”

“You wanna go visit her?”

“After everything she did to me?”

“I’m not asking if you want to forgive her, I’m asking if you want to visit her. So you can say goodbye to her…”

“Were you capable of visiting your mother if she was in the same situation?” I asked a bit scared about what his reaction could be.

“Probably not, but it’s a different thing.”

“Thank you for helping me.”

“I didn’t do anything.” He laughed.

“Yes, you did. I think I’m going to visit her. Visit, not forgive.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I just don’t want her to try anything with you, and if she does I just wanna be there to save you…”

“Are you my superman?”

“Well, of course.” He said raising his arms in the air which made me laugh.




This chapter is small and it kinda sucks and I don't like it very much, but I'm hoping for a miracle and that you liked it :s

What do you think it'll happen when Emily visits her mother? Do you think she's doing to right thing? :)

btw: sorry for the feels on the gif...

@boobearboxers :)

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