Chapter 44

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Emily’s POV

I got out of the doctor’s room with a smile on my face I just couldn’t take off for nothing on this world, I was happy, so freaking happy and I felt like I was going to explode of joy at any moment. I was pregnant once again and, this time, I was having twins, I never thought that would happen.

“Emily?” Louis called when we were walking to the car, shaking his hand in front of my face, he didn’t knew about the news yet, because I wanted to tell him just when we got home, but I didn’t think I could wait all the way home.


“What’s happening?”

“Nothing, why are you asking?”

“Because you never stopped smiling since we left the doctor and now you just stopped in the middle of the street smiling.”

“Oh, it’s… huh… nothing.”

“Are you sure?”


“Is everything alright?”


“You have nothing to tell me…”





“What would I have to tell you, I mean… damn it!”



“What is it?”

“I just wanted to tell you when we got home, but I don’t think I’ll make it without exploding.” I said biting my lip. “When I was on the doctor’s room, he told me he had good news for me and that’s why I’m still smiling.”


“Louis, I’m pregnant.” I told.

“Are… are you serious?”


“Wow… that’s great!” He said laughing while showing the little crinkles on the corner of his eyes.

“And I’m having twins.”

“What?” He asked, his mouth opened forming an O but I could see a smile starting to grow. “Emily… God, that’s amazing!”

“You think?”

“Of course!”

Louis ended up the space between us and his arms circle my body firmly, raising me in the air and whirling both of us while laughing and, on that moment, it started raining a lot, getting us soaked. When Louis put me on the ground, his blue and shiny eyes met mine and, then, so as his lips.

“Fifteen to go.”

“Louis!” I grumbled and laughed. “We better get to the car.”

“Yeah, we better…” He agreed.

In a matter of seconds, we got to the car where was pretty warm, besides, Louis turned the warm air on which was even better. My smile was even bigger now that I told Louis everything and due to the reaction he had, except for the part about the fifteen kids which actually makes me think if he’s really talking serious about wanting seventeen kids because, I have to be honest, I think it’s too much… maybe I should talk with him about it.

I just know that I am really happy with the news the doctor gave me and nothing can take that happiness away, nothing can’t go wrong this time and I know it won’t.”

“What’s on your mind?” Louis asked parking right in front of the apartment.

“Stuff.” I answered and he laughed.

I got out of the car immediately and ran to the apartment building’s hall so I wouldn’t get even wetter than I already was and Louis got there seconds later, smiling at me. After we got home, I picked some washed clothes so I could take a shower since I was still pretty wet because of the rain, however, Louis ended up joining me, surprising me and of course our shower was not just a shower.

Louis got dressed quickly and went to the kitchen announcing he was cooking lunch, while I stayed on the bedroom, still getting dress, never taking that stupid smile off my face because, finally, things were going right and I didn’t have to worry about nothing nor anyone and that felt really good, however, everything seems like a dream to me, like if none of this was real, but I know it’s because I’m used to bad things happening to us and to someone always trying to separate the both of us.

Honestly I just wanna be happy with Louis and, if the pregnancy goes fine and I hope so, with our two children. Oh my God! I am going to have twins. Looking back, I never thought I could mother of twins, be with someone like Louis, full of tattoos and, supposedly bad. I always thought I was going to get marry with someone rich and with a good behavior, with a job in some really high post, maybe the owner of some big company, just like my mother wanted and, for a while, I actually believed that’s what was going to happen and I even started judging people like Louis, till I met him, he changed everything in me, even my way of thinking and what I believed on and I’m happy he did it and that I met hm on that lingerie store, even though that was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

The sound of the bell ringing interrupted the conversation I was having with myself and my flashbacks, so then, I finished getting dress and got out of the room.

“I’ll open, Lou!” I told him.


I walked to the hall and opened the door on the moment whoever was at the door rang on the bell again, damn it, why the hurry? As soon as I opened the door, revealing who rang my eyes widened and my mouth formed an O, not even caring what he would think about my reaction. Truth is, of all the people, he was the one I least wanted to found and expected to ever show up, his presence there made me think of trouble and I was done with that and I didn’t need any more trouble or mysteries or lies in my life.







Ok, so I know this one his small but I kinda like it because of Louis reaction and because OH MY GOD HARRY'S BACK (guess who's back [back], back again ['gain], Harry's back [back], tell a friend *sings*)


Anyways, I hope you liked it and sorry for the mistakes :)



A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE ASKING WHY IS HARRY A PLOT TWIST AND I ALREADY SAID IT TO A GIRL ON THE COMMENTS: so to short everything, basically Louis met Harry when he went to Hoboken and they were friend, once Harry tried to kiss Louis, Louis freaked out and left, came back later, Harry was fine and into girl again and they were like best friends till Harry came up with the bet of who was going to fuck Emily first :)

- Clau

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