Chapter 43

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Emily’s POV

I woke up feeling small kisses on my face and a pair of arms rounding my waist and a smile grew on my face when I saw Louis, already dressed up, right by my side, facing me wth a sweet smile on my face.

“Good morning.” He said in a low tone.

“Good morning…” I answered, yawning. “What time is it?”

“Nine, I made you breakfast.”

“Did you wake up early?”

“Yes. I had to go to the hospital.” His word echoed, reaching the part of my brain that processes the information and I rose up immediately, totally worried, checking every inch of him trying to find something alarming. “My back Emily.”

“Oh my God…”

“They were hurting and… they gave me some cream, I’m good now.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” He laughed and I looked at him confused. “It was pretty funny when the doctor asked what happened and I had to tell him how I got these scratches.”

“What did you say?”

“Great sex.”

“You said that?”

“Yes, I had to tell the truth- Are you blushing? How cute.”



“Why did you tell them that? Oh my God, that’s so embarrassing!”

“Emily, it’s not like they’ll remember our faces.”

“Oh but it will be really funny if you ever go back there and it’s written in your file that you went to the hospital because you had great sex!” I said hiding my face in my hands, hearing his laugh.

“I think it was the first time you sad sex.” He informed and I groaned against my hands frustrated.


“I’m just telling the truth.”

“Yeah and look where it got us.”

“Emily, everyone knows that couples have sex, it’s a normal thing you know?”

“But… you went to the hospital because of that… Ugh! This is so embarrassing…”

“Hey, truth is it was actually good…”

“It was really good…” I admitted blushing even more. He laughed.

“Now, let’s eat.”

“Okay… Just let go take a shower and get dressed…”

“Damn it! I should have woken you up before going to the hospital and we could have showered together…”

“Maybe next time.”

“Mmm… I won’t forget.” He winked at me and I smiled, getting up and pulling his shirt down that I had dressed in the middle of the night because it was cold since I had nothing else under it. Louis got closer to me grabbing my butt, kissing me in the neck which made a shiver run down my spine. “Nothing under, I like that.”

“Go away!” I shouted pulling him and he laughed out loud.

When I finished my shower I went to the kitchen where I found Louis with his eyes on his phone, but when I got in he ended what he was doing and put the phone away, which made me smile and feel like I was important to him. I sat and started eating the delicious breakfast he made me and that would make me end up fat because… it’s way too good.

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