Chapter 17

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I was at my office starting to write the special article, even that Louis wasn’t there, when someone knocked at the door. I send whoever was in and it opened revealing Louis, which made me shiver due to the images his presence gave me.

Looking at his face made my heart shrink. He was clearly angry but, most of all, hurt. I swallowed, getting ready for whatever might or not happen.

“Why did you run away?” He asked, walking till he got really close to me, just like I had imagined countless times on my mind, in an attempt of come up with an answer, even though I wasn’t successful.

“I… that was wrong… it shouldn’t have happened.” I answered, not quite answering the question, getting up from the chair so I could stay away from him.

“Wrong? Emily that was more than right!”


“Yes, are you going to tell me you faked all of that?” He asked and I was going to answer, but he put is index finger on my lips. “Don’t you even dare to lie to me, I know. I know you’re yourself when you’re with me, you don’t have to pretend anything.”

“No! I… I was confused…”

“Confused? Do I get you confused?” He asked, getting closer to my body and I pushed him, walking to the other side of the office.

“No…” I lied.

I heard his steps getting closer, till his arms circled my waist, making me feel awkwardly safe. On that moment, I just felt like turn my body to him and hug him like the world would end in five seconds, but I’m sure this is just something of the moment, just a physical attraction as soon as I get married.

“You’re lying.” He whispered, causing me the chills.

“I’m marrying John, Louis. In two months.

“What?” He asked shocked and getting away from me a bit. “No, it can’t be…”

“It’s the truth.”

“Why did you bum up the wedding?”


“That’s not even an answer, Emily.”

“I love him…”

“Bullshit! If you loved me you wouldn’t have let me fuck you on that hotel!” He shouted and I felt a shiver all down my spine remembering everything that happened and I swallowed once again. “I know you love me and, deep down, you know it too, you fell it. Right here.” He said, touching my chest lightly where my heart would be.

“I don’t love you, Louis.” I lied.

“You don’t mean that…”


“Don’t say sorry for not loving me, say it for lying.” And with that, he put his hand on my the back of my neck and pulled me to him kissing my forehead and I swear it looked like he was crying. So then, out of the blue, he got away from me in a heartbeat and got out of my office, closing the door so hard it made me shudder.

“Louis… don’t…”

Louis’ POV

I as got in my office and locked the door, tears started slipping from my eyes. I never cried in my life, not because of my father or my mother, not even because of Sarah.

Fuck Louis, you don’t even look like a man!

I lost her completely, even that she loves, she, herself refuses to remember it. She doesn’t want to love me, because she thinks loving John is the right thing, so, I can’t and I won’t do a thing about it.

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