Chapter 27

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I was really scared of publishing this chapter because I dont want this fan fiction to get really big and, you know, boring because of what's going to happen in this chapter... so please tell me what do you think about it and if I shouldn't make a "big deal" of it... I'm scared... ugh! please be honest about what happened...

and sorry for my English, but that's not my birth language and I still have a lot to learn, I'm still in school people haha :p




It was our last day on Hawaii and saying that Louis was acting weird was an understatement. He got up early in the morning and went out leaving me a rose and a note that said that he would be back by the end of the afternoon because he had to take care of something urgent. I got a bit upset because it was our last day and I wanted to be with him, because tomorrow morning we had to leave.

I sighed frustrated and went to shower, while I thought about what I was going to do. Maybe I should buy Kahlan something. Yes, I promised her that. I finished my shower and ate my breakfast leaving the apartment to see some stores.

In the morning, I stopped in every store near the apartment, but they were all tourist stores and the only thing they had was postcards or palm trees for the fridge door and I wasn’t going to offer that to Kahlan because that kind of stuff gives the impression you just want to show you were in a certain place and she didn’t and it was like I was offering it just because it was supposed to.

When lunch time arrived, I got in a restaurant and got lunch, checking at my phone from time to time waiting for Louis to say something, but nothing.

What the hell was he doing that was so urgent he couldn’t answer me?


“Hey, you here?” I heard a voice that wasn’t unknown as I got in a store. When I looked, I saw Matt, the guy that rented us the boat few days ago, the guy Louis punched. It was still visible a yellow-green part around his eye that was starting to fade.

“Huh… yes.”

I decided to get in the store anyways, I couldn’t give him too much importance and get out of the store. I started seeing the store that was really pretty, but maybe too fresh the London weather.

I felt a body leaning t mine, a chest touching my back, a breathing on my neck, a pair of hand on my hips and on my butt , a body way too next to mine, invading my personal space.

“Do you need help?” His voice asked seductive and I panicked.

“No!” I said, I mean, I screamed and turned to him to push him away, but he grabbed my hands and got even closer to me. “Let me go!”

“I’d love to, but… I think I have better ideas, funnier ones for us two.”

“What do you mean with that… Let go off of me…”

“You’ll see.”

Matt grabbed my arm really tight, hurting me and dragged me to the exit door, turning the sign to “closed” and getting out of it with me, dragging me to an alley that looked gross. I was trying at all cost to get free from him, but it wasn’t working, he was stronger tightening my arm even more, hurting me to the point that I had tears falling from my eyes.

“Please, let me go.”

“No!” He shouted and pushed me against the wall violently hurting me on my back. I groaned in pain. “Now, let’s have some fun, shall we?”

Matt got closer to me, leant me against the wall and clung his body on mine. One of his hands ran my body, while the other was holding my waist pulling me to him, making me feel that high through his pants which was really making me sick. His lips were on my neck, kissing it, biting its skin and all of that was making me wanna throw up.

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