Chapter 29

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So... don't kill me because of what's going to happen... OMG I can already smell the fear that comes from me hahaha

btw: OMG the concert is this Sunday, meaning, tomorrow.... ahhhhhh I'm so anxious I think I'm going to die or something! :o




“Damn it! How are you supposed to be with a person who doesn’t even stand your touch?” 

“By loving her.” 

“No! That’s not a life, that’s not fair.” 

“Emily!” He shouted scaring me. 

On that moment I was walking all around the kitchen, one side to another while Louis was just leaning against the door’s frame, like if it wasn’t even his problem, like if he was watching a soap opera and that wasn’t even his life, but his shout made me stop. 

This was just another fight that me and him have been having since we returned from Hawaii about two weeks ago. 

Since Matt tried to do that to me, I hadn't made big progresses about letting Louis touching me. He had already hugged me and kissed me, but every time he tried something else I would step away and I didn't want that. Besides, the new photographer the agency hired and Louis were getting really close and that pisses me off and makes me insecure because she's really pretty and he almost can't touch me, it annoys me, makes me sad and makes me jealous. 

All of that at the same time.  

"I already told you it doesn't concerns me." 

"But it concerns me!" 

"Because you're being stubborn and seeing things where they don't exist!" 


"That's not what I mean." 

"But that's what you said. I'm sorry if I'm not as perfect as Caroline, Louis." 

"Oh, so this is about her?" 

"Of course it's about her! I mean, what? Louis!" 


"You... I know I'm not the only one who sees the way she looks at you and the way both of you laugh when you were both supposed to be working." 

"My columns are fine if that's worrying you. Fuck! Are you saying I can't have friends?" 

"You can as long as they're not eating you with the eyes." 

"You can't and you won't control who I'm friends with." 

"But you can, right?" 

"I've been right about John who took you from me and about Matt who almost fucked you if I hadn't shown up!" He shouted and I widened my eyes. 

"You know what? You don't need to talk to me like that, but thank you for reminding me of how innocent I can be." 

"You know it wasn't my intention to talk like that." I said starting to get closer to me, but I stepped back which made him sad. 

Don't even think about feeling pity, Emily. 


"Emily, please, you don't need to be like that." 

"Stop! If you think that I am that innocent and that you have to treat me like if I was your daughter, since you can't even touch me, then I better leave. I don't wanna be a burden to anyone." 

"You're acting like a child!" 

"Precisely. If you're not okay, then leave!" I shouted. 

"Maybe it's better. Maybe I'll get someone to have fun." He said walking to the living room, the sound of keys on the air. "Yeah, maybe Caroline wants to have some fun tonight, especially when I'm fucking her and she's moaning my name! Shit!" He said, before closing the door, leaving me alone in the apartment, shocked by his words.  

"Louis..." I whispered still shocked. 

How could he? 

It was just a matter of time. 

I let myself fall on the floor, in the middle of the living room, while I cried compulsively. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I had a fight with Louis. A fight that started because we were on the couch and he started kissing me and he started unbuttoning my pants and I ended up pushing him away like I always do but this time it was different, I felt he was different, he seemed annoyed and I blew up because I don't want him to be with me, not for pity.  

But I couldn't believe what he said either. He should have told nothing was going on between him and Caroline, but he didn't even deny it. Which means that it was probably true.  

More tears felt. 

He said he was going to meet her. Well, he said he was going to ask her but, by the way she was looking at him, I'm sure she'll say yes or... whatever. Besides, it's Louis and he's beautiful and he can seduce someone, after all... that was his thing before I met him and he made money with that. A lot. 

And what about me? 

I would be staying home crying and waiting for him to come back and apologize him, because, no matter what he said, the apartment wasn't even mine and I told him to leave it, besides, he can't even touch me lately. 

Even though he has to apologize me too for what he said. 

That if he's not with Caroline like he said. Then... well, I think I can't forgive him. 

Oh my God! 

What did I do? 


Next day, I woke up with the sound of my alarm, I looked at the other side of the bed, Louis' side, and I realized it was still made. I sighed and searched for him all over the apartment but there was no sign of him or that he came home last night. 

I started walking to the kitchen to make some coffee, but I had to stop at the middle of the hall when I started feeling sick. My feet started moving like if they were being controlled by magic taking me to the bathroom running, only stopping when I was on my knees in front of the toilet throwing up. 

"I just hope I'm not sick because of the weather..." I spoke to myself. 

I cleaned up and cleaned everything and took a shower, leaving the apartment to the agency as I got ready, not taking the breakfast. Not that I was feeling like eating after almost spitting my guts. 

"Kayla, tell mister Jefferson that I wasn't feeling really good this morning, so that's why I'm late." 

"Sure. I'm glad you arrived already, he already asked for you twice." 

"Yeah, I know how he's like. I'm going to work before he fires me." 

"I was talking about Louis." 

"Oh. Well... I better go." 


I got in my office and sat, looking at a blank page of Word and that's how I spent my morning, because I couldn't write a single word and when I managed to do it, I thought the whole thing was a crap and ended up deleting everything. 

I couldn't focus with all the problems on my mind, hammering my brain like if it was a wooden trunk and the problems a woodpecker. 

"Ugh! What am I going to do?" I spoke to the four walls of my office and guess what: they didn't reply back. 

I looked at my phone and saw that it was already lunch time and I was a bit hungry since I didn't have breakfast in the morning. Actually, I was starving, my hands were already shaking. When I got up, my vision went a bit blurry and it was like everything was spinning. 

The last thing I remember was me falling on the floor violently passing out right away.

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