Chapter 33

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Emily’s POV


I have to get out of here. I have to leave this place and call the police and they have to get Louis out of wherever he is because I can’t let anything happen to him. I don’t know what am I going to do if anything happens to him, especially, knowing I wasn’t capablt of doing anything to stop it.

But how?

How do I get out of here? I am tied up and even if I got free from all this tape, how would I pass by those mountain in the shape of people?

Maybe if I get free and run as fast as I can out there they won’t catch me. They said they can’t lay a finger on me and that is the only chance I have to get out of here… even though I have no idea where I am.

My body trembled when I heard the sound of something exploding and my eyes widened, thinking about what could have happened. The kidnappers started whispering immediately and the three of them left right away to see what was happening, or that’s what it looked like.

I swung the chair as I could and ended up falling on the ground, causing me to cut in some of the pieces of glass, till I remembered to cut the tape that was holding me.

Shouldn’t be hard.

I dragged myself a little till my hands were near a sharp piece of glass, scratching my body while doing it. I took the piece of glass and just tried to do what they usually do on the movies and, just like magic, I was able to cut the tape.

A smile appeared on my lips.

Quickly, I took the tape from my mouth that they put a bit later and from my feet. I just wanted to get out of that place and stay away from those men and know what happened to Louis or save him or do anything but stay there doing nothing.

With the hurry of leaving that place and scared of being caught, going downstairs, I didn’t quite realized where I was stepping and one of the wooden steps broke down making me fall off the stairs. I groaned with the pain but quickly shut up so no one would hear me.

With great cost, I rose and the first thing I saw was a gun, placed on top of a table next to a laptop and a phone which was theirs for sure. I took a deep breath and, with my hands shaking, I took the phone, putting it in my pocket and also took the gun.

I had never held something like that, I just saw one when my dad did what he did and that was it. On the outside I could hear the men shouting with someone and the sound of what it looked like engines.

I peeped outside seeing they had their backson me and started running as fast as I could, hearing screams behind me. I tried to run as fast as I could, but I was getting tired as time passed and the man behind me was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my arm slowing me down more and, on the next second, the gun I had in my hand shot like if it was controlled by some unknown power straight towards the leg of the man that was following me, making him fall on the ground standing there holding to his leg, screaming in pain.

My eyes widened and my breathing became faster and uncontrolled when I realized that it was me doing that to him.

But how?

I never even shot a gun before!

Until today.

Oh my God what did I do?

Okay, I didn’t kill him and it was in self-defense…

Even though that doesn’t justify anything.

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