Chapter 26

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........................................................Louis' feels........................................................




“Louis, where are we going?”

After our momento on the sand, Louis told he had a surprise for me, something he wanted to show me and he insisted he was not going to tell me just like he’d always do.

“I already told it was a surprise and you can’t ruin a surprise.”

“So then give a clue.”

“We’re almost there.”

“That’s not a clue.”

“Never said it was.”


Louis laughed and held my hand firmly, guiding me through the trees, which reminded me of that day when he saved me from Kyle at that bar. A smile showed up on my lips remembering everything Louis and I went through, all our moments…



“You were smiling…”

“I just remembered the night you saved me at the bar and how everything developed…” I said and my smile grew even more.

“Well, except for the fact you still can’t stay naked in front of me…”

“I… okay, that’s a problem I have, It’s not my fault…” I huffed and Louis stopped walking, turning around to face me and holding my face in his hands, making me get lost in the blue of his eyes.

“You’re perfect. And we’re here.”

“We are?”

“Yes. Look.”

Right in front of me was a natural tide pool with seawater on the inside. Small waves could be seen, caused be the sea waves that reached the tide pool mixing with the rest of the crystal-clear water.


“Queen’s Bath. Guess I took you to the right place.” Louis said kissing my cheek that was warmer with his words. “Come.”

I placed my dress I had on my hand right next to Louis’ shirt and we both walked to the tide pool, not taking too much time to get in. Louis dove in the deepest part, while I decided to go by the part that had more rocks, getting closer to Louis slowly, till my feet no longer touched the rocks so I swam to him. The water was so clean and pure I could see my feet and my legs, the rocks that were just underneath us.

“Do you like it?”

“It’s beautiful!”

Louis grabbed me by my waist and my legs rounded his right away so I wouldn’t lose my balance. His lips met mine in a passionate kiss, which didn’t last long because he held my waist firmly and pushed me, making me fall into the water.

A shriek escaped through my lips and, when I came to the surface, he was still laughing with his hands on his belly, but his laugh immediately ceased when I threw him water to his face with my hands.

“Louis, don’t!” I warned when I saw him walking in my direction, stepping away from him slowly. “Stop…”

“You should have thought about it before.”

When I felt my feet touching the rocks, I started running followed by Louis while I laugh like a kid, till I, having in count my physical aptitude, I ended up tripping on my own feet and falling on the floor.

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