Chapter 2

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Emily’s POV

 I got up and got out of my bureau when I, finally, finished the article Mr. Jefferson had “proposed” me to do… till the end of the day. He wasn’t very fond of me and, to be honest, it was mutual feeling, so he use to give last minutes articles to write which, according to him, were supposed to prove my value ad a columnist. In my opinion, he just wants to screw my life, but I always make a good job so he can’t complain about it.

“Sorry, I’m the columnist and I’m kinda lost here. I have to meet Jefferson.” I heard a voice that made me stop immediately, without knowing why.

“Yes. First of all, welcome.” Kayla, the secretary, said. “Mr. Jefferson’s office is right there.”


I was still in the same place, trying to understand of who that voice that sounded so familiar would be, till I saw him passing by me, walking to Mr. Jefferson’s office. I watched as he walked away from me, he was tall, with brown hair and had his arms covered in tattoos.

I was, most certainly, mistaken. I would never be friends with someone with his looks. Only if I was crazy and out of my mind. But… there was something about him, in all his style that caused me a feeling of nostalgia. I tried to look for him in my lost memories, but that only caused me a horrible headache that was making me

I went to Kayla and gave her my article and went to my car driving home. As I got there, I went straight to the kitchen and took a pill for the headaches, lying on my bed right away.

“Close your eyes.” He said, laughing at my enthusiasm as he bit his lip, something that he should honestly stop doing, unless he wanted me to die of a heart attack in the near future.

I closed my eyes and felt him getting himself in front of me. His hand grabbed mine and he slipped something through my ring finger. Oh my God! I wonder if it was what I was thinking...

“You can open now.” He said, his voice slightly hoarse.

My eyes opened slowly, and when they landed in my hand, my mouth opened. Just what I thought. It was a ring, but it was even more beautiful than what I had imagined. Not that I have ever imagined that Louis would give me a ring, because it definitely was not the sort of thing he would do.

“Oh my God.” It was the only thing I was able to say.

The ring was a silver tone, frayed because of the years, with small leaves fixed on it. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

“You like it?”

“I... I love it. My God is so beautiful.”

“It was my mother’s. She gave it to me before...” He took a deep breath. “She told me that it was for me to keep it and to give it to a special girl and...” He shrugged, as I couldn’t help but smile like a little five year old child who were given a year supply of gums.

I opened my eyes startled and with my breathing accelerated like if I just had a nightmare, sitting on the bed immediately. But what the hell was that? Why was I dreaming with the boy I saw today and why did he looked so real and… detailed? I had only seen him on his back how did I know that he had blue eyes? Why was he giving me a ring that was for a special girl? And why did I look so in love in the dream? Oh my God!

Keep calm, Emily, breathe.

It was just a dream and… and in dreams people imagine things and… dream. But… it was all so real and the feeling… it was like if I could still feel it.

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