Chapter 25

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The hot scene sucks and I know I took ages to update, but I have exams, so so so sorry :(




Louis told me to get ready for a surprise he had for me, because I was going to love it, which was making me even more excited. The only thing he told me was that I had to take my bikini, so, I was really curious.

I dressed a different bikini, blue with white dots and a dress that had small holes in the shape of circles, getting out of the bathroom as I got ready.

“Are you ready?”




“Like it.” Louis whispered at my ear, pulling the dress lightly and I smiled. “Let’s go?”

“Yes. Wanna tell me where are we going?”

“No, it’s a surprise.”

“Oh. Come on.”

“Not a chance.” He said and laughed, kissing me on my nose, which made me laugh because it tickled me. “Come.” Louis grabbed my hand and I intertwined my fingers on his.

Around half an hour later we got to a port with some ships. Louis looked at me and winked, keeping with his walk, heading towards a motorboat. When we got there, a really tanned boy showed up with a smile and pointed to the boat.

“It’s ready.” He said and then looked up and down at me, fixing my eyes. He was really pretty, he had dark hair to his neck, undid beard and his eyes were in a color of blue like I had never seen before.

“Here.” Louis said and gave him a wad of bills, but he didn’t move, he just kept staring at me, which was bothering me a bit. “Yo, I’m here.” Louis said annoyed snapping his finger right in front of the boy’s face. “Look at what’s yours.”

“Tomorrow at ten.” Was the only thing he said, winking at me before leaving.

“Asshole.” Louis muttered and I shook his hand.

“Keep calm.”

“I can’t keep calm, he was fucking you with his eyes!”


“It’s true.”

“Well, Mary did way much worse.”

“Let’s not talk about it.”

“Thought so.”

Louis climbed to the boat and helped me do the same. Up there, I had a privilege view of the sea and of its beautiful blue color, which reminded me of Louis’ eyes.

“This is so beautiful!” I said, when I felt his arms around my waist.

“Not more than you are.”

“Aw.” I turned to him and gave him a quick kiss. “You’re really not gonna tell me where we’re going, aren’t you?”

“No, but sit down, because you’re about to see it.”


“Oh. My. God.” Was the only thing I was able to say when I got out of the boat with Louis’ help. “Lou…”

“It’s called Kauai.”

I looked around, wanting to absorb all the details of the island in front of me. The sand where my feet stepped was so thin that you almost couldn’t feel it and three times whiter than the sand in London. Besides, everything here has strong colors, the green of the trees, the apparently endless colors of the hundreds, or thousands of flowers and the sky was so blue and without one single cloud.

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