Chapter 31

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okay, okay, okay, okay, okay... so I know this one is small, but I think it's big, you'll se why :) and sorry :(

...sorry for any mistakes...




My doctor told me to stay home for a few days till my energy was recovered and everything was back to normal. Louis said he’d stay with me but I made him go to work because I knew he wouldn’t make it the whole day home on the bed or on the living room watching movies which was what I was doing on that right moment.

I was watching “Marley and Me” when my phone started ringing. When I took it I saw it was my mum.

Oh my God.

Now I definitely can’t delay it no longer which is what I’ve been doing all day. I said I was going to tell her about being engaged and pregnant… both from Louis… obviously, but I would always lose the courage to tell her.

Obviously reasons…



“How are you?”

“Better after you telling me that what I was told is a lie.”

“What they told you? What did they tell you?”

“That you were engaged.”

“And I am.”

“Of that tattooed boy.”


“Emily, you-“

“Okay, I know you don’t like him, but you’re overreacting and acting like a child. I’m going to stick to him whether you want it or not, because I love him. I’m sorry if you don’t know what that means, but I’m not gonna stop living my life just because you fell like it. Sometimes I wish you weren’t my mother.” And with this I hung up my phone not even waiting for her to say whatever she had to say.

A tear slipped off my eye. Truth is I really liked her, after all, she is my mother, but she did all those bad things and after all this time she can’t accept the fact that I love Louis and that I’m with him.

Who she thinks she is?

I just wanted thing to be good and that she, even not liking him, to make some effort and stand him at least and, who knows, go to my wedding, but maybe she doesn’t like me enough to do that stuff.

Beatrice POV

I looked at my phone, stupefied by what I just heard from my own daughter’s mouth. It’s impressive how she doesn’t tell me the things that are going on, I had to go to the supermarket a listen to a conversation of that friend of her to know that she was going to get married.

This is an outrage and a big lack of consideration.

And the worst is that she’s been ignoring all the advices I gave her. Where did I go wrong? I always told her to find someone decent, pretty that would guarantee her a good future and a stable life in all aspects, but seems like she fell in love with a good-for-nothing (AN: is that how you say it? ‘-‘) who earned money by using girls.

How can anyone be happy like that?

Doesn’t she remember what her father did to her?

Does she likes living like that?


No, I’m not gonna let that happen. She will separate from him even if I have to die for it. I just hope I have time enough to do that because I’m not going to be in a hospital bed waiting for death to come knowing she’ll be with that… guy.

Leukemia. Diagnosed about a month ago. Emily doesn’t know about that, actually, no one knows, just the doctors. I didn’t tell anyone because I still have proud and dignity and I don’t want those values to be destroyed by the pity of people which will be, in its majority, fake.

People are all very nice when we’re about to die so we can stay with a good image of themselves before our cycle ends, but I won’t fall for that. I know how to distinguish the people I can trust and those who are my enemies.

I don’t need anyone else.

I looked at my hands and noticed they were in blood because I scratched myself for the last minutes. My psychologist told I had a psychological illness that was a big advanced since it’s from four years ago already, but I think he’s the one who needs a treatment, being worried about my daughter’s future is not an illness.

But how did I do this?

I don’t even remember starting doing this, nor feeling the pain or the blood…

“Hello? Allen?” I said as he picked up his phone.

“Mrs. Fray, it’s a pleasure…”

“Cut it out.”

“So, what’s the reason of your call?”

“I need you to do me something.”


“I want you to kidnap me two people.”


“Some Louis… Louis Tomlinson, yes that’s his name and Emily Fray.”

“Your daughter?”

“Don’t make questions.”

“Okay.” He laughed.

“I want you to kidnap the guys and take him to somewhere far away, isolated and where we don’t make much noise… I want… let’s say… finish him…”

“And your daughter too?”

“No!” I almost shouted, how does that idiot was able to think I wanted to kill my own daughter? “I want you to just keep her safe, I don’t want her to go after him or something like that.”

“Okay, then, I know a perfect place… we already did some little jobs there, no one suspected a thing. My boys will take him there and take care of him. I know a shed where we could take your daughter. We’d say she was being kidnapped just like her boyfriend because of money and that the boyfriend tried to run away and played the hero of the day and things didn’t went that well. We could say you made a generous deposit, more than what we asked so you could free them both. The subject gets tidy and you will be a hero at the eyes of your daughter, since you made everything in your power. How does it sound to you?”

“Couldn’t be better, Allen. Sometimes I think you read my mind.”

“I know you well.”

“I just want you to change a little detail on it.”

 “Say it.”

“The boy’s death.”


“I will take care of it myself.”




Okay, so I think it kinda explained the reason why Emily's mother acts the way she acts, she has leukemia and is about to die and she as a mental illness...

also, I don't know if you noticed, she thinks Louis mistreats Emily because of what he used to do with the girls... :)

@boobearboxers :)

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