Chapter 42

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Emily’s POV

“You know what I like…” Louis said wetting his lips while his finger traced some of the lines of the bra’s lace. “If you knew how good this looks on you…” He sighed.

“Maybe that’s why I bought it.” I answered smiling.

“Oh really?”

Louis started kissing my neck, his hands that were on my back went slowly up to my bra unclasping it and letting the straps sliding down my arms till it fell to my feet, after I stretched them down.

“You are so beautiful… Let’s try something different…” He said loosening the garters that held the socks which was, in a way, making me wetter. “Lay down on the bed.” He asked and I stepped away from him lying on the bed.

Louis looked at me carefully, taking in every detail and he licked his lips once again. Really slowly, like if wanted to torture me, he took off the socks, one by one and then my panties with his teeth just like I did to him.

I laughed.

“So wet…” He said, when his hand went to the middle of my legs. “Is it all because of me?” He asked and I shook my head.

He placed a kiss on my lips, then he went down my belly leaving a trail of kisses, till I felt his wet tongue lick me clitt, making me let out a low moan. Then, he backed off, seating by my side. I looked at him confused and he just winked at me.

“I want to watch you.” He said.


“I want to watch you touch yourself.” He explained and my eyes widened.

“But… I never did anything like that…” I admitted embarrassed.

“Never? Not even before you met me-“


“I’ll teach you.”

“Louis… I don’t…” I sighed.

“Do you trust me?”


“That’s what I like to hear. Okay?”

“Okay.” I gave up and he smiled.

“Give me your hand.” He said and I did what he asked. He took my hand and lowered my fingers, leaving only the index finger and the middle finger and positioned them in a way I was touching my clitt. “Now rub it and make circles.” He instructed and so did I, closing my eyes immediately with the feeling I was having, enjoying it and moaning lowly. “Mmm…”

I heard him moan and when I opened my eyes and realized that his hand was making up and down movements slowly on his penis.

“Try to insert a finger…” He mumbled.

Slowly I inserted a finger inside, but the feeling was totally different from when was Louis doing it. It was like something was missing.

“You’ll get to a raucous part, that’s your g-spot…” He let out a low moan, which made me moan too. “Try to hit that always.”

I started making movements with my finger trying to hit the part Louis described all the time and I felt a wave of pleasure taking over my body. My moans started getting louder and louder, just like the speed of my finger.

“Another one…” He asked and I took a deep breath before inserting another finger inside of me, giving myself even more pleasure.

I felt Louis move and when I opened my eyes, he was hovering over me, watching me with his blue eyes darkened while I moved my fingers in and out of me, pleasuring myself.

I bit my lip looking at him.

“Louis…” I stopped moving my fingers and took them out of me. My fingers were feeling good, I can’t deny that, but I wanted more than that, more than just my fingers, I wanted Louis. “I want you…”

“You’re not liking it?”

“I am, but… please.”

“Did you just… did you just begged?” He asked with a smirk on his face. “Beg again.”

“Please, Lou…”

“Mmm… that’s so…” He bit his lip.


“No worries, princess.”

Louis positioned in penis right in front of my entrance, getting inside me slowly, making me let out a small moan. I heard him whispering something like “Merry Christmas” on my ear but I was not sure, my mind was a maelstrom ofemotions on that moment. Louis started making slow and deep back and forward movements while he kissed me passionately, muffling my moans.

My hands went to his hair that was now longer, grabbing it and pulling it lightly, making him moan against my lips, but, when Louis rose the speed of his movements, my nails found his back scratching them due to the pleasure his was giving me.

As I was getting closer to the orgasm, my moans started getting louder and my nails scratching his back more fiercely. My eyes met his and I could see a drop of sweat slipping down his face. My vision went black when my eyes automatically closed when I hit the orgasm, second before Louis.

His body fell on top of mine and I smiled to myself, caressing his hair. He rolled his body to the side and pulled the sheets over our bodies, moving the strands of my hair away from my face.

“If you knew how much my back hurt right now…” He said with his voice still husky.

“Let me see it…” I asked. Louis sat on the bed dragging the sheets with him and my eyes widened when I saw his back that were pretty scratched, making me wonder how did I do that. One of the scratches even had blood. I ran my finger through his back softly and he shivered. “Oh… sorry?” I asked biting my lip.

“It was for a good reason. Nothing that a good night of sleep doesn’t heal.” He got his face closer to mine and placed a kiss on the tip of my nose. “Merry Christmas, Em.”

“Merry Christmas, Lou.”

He laid down on the bed again pulling me to him and I ended up falling asleep on his arms.




This one his small and... yeah... my stomach hurt as hell haha... why am I laughing? ugh!

anyways... I still kinda hope you liked it (after this '-') and on the side is Louis' back haha ^^

sorry for the mistakes

and... I have nothing to say which is weird... hm...

well... just comment and vote - it's pretty cool when you do it :D

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