Chapter 38

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So... I hit with my elbow on the wardrobe really hard and I couldn't move my arm cause it really really hurt, so I couldn't write either, so I just posted the ones that were already written
anyways... it's good now, so new chapter yay \0/ haha

hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes :)




Emily’s POV

Louis and I were seated not very far from my mother’s room, my head was on Louis’ shoulders while he hugged me when one of the doctors that got in my mother’s room about an hour and a half walked in our direction which made me get up immediately.

 “I’m afraid I don’t have the best news for you…” He said really serious and I didn’t need more than that to know what he meant by that.

Despite everything, I couldn’t believe what I just heard.

I know that everything she did was bad and that she shouldn’t have done any of that and that she was the indirect cause of me losing my baby, but she was still my mother and she showed me she regretted it and I know she did because she’s not the type of person who admits she’s wrong and says sorry if she thinks she’s right but she did it, to me and Louis.

I couldn’t even say goodbye to her.

“Can I see her?”

“Better not.”

“What? But why?”

“Emily, it’s for your own good, it will only make you suffer.” Louis said getting up and walking in my direction.

“I’m already suffering Louis.” Tears fell. “I didn’t even said goodbye to her.”

“I’m sure knew that you, deep down, never stopped loving her because she’s your mother, beside you are… you.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, hugging him. “You forgive and like everyone no matter what they do.” He whispered and I knew he wasn’t only talking about my mother.

“I would never forgive her, I just couldn’t but I would like to say to goodbye to her, so she could…” I sobbed. “Stay in peace.”

“I bet, wherever she is now, she’s at peace because she feels you never stopped loving her and that you wanted to say goodbye.”

“I’m sorry, Lou.”


“Because she did a bunch of stuff to separate us and tried to kill you and I’m crying because of her and know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t because she is my mother and she…” I tightened his shirt and cried even more.

“I don’t care, she’s your mother no matter what, don’t worry about me.” He sighed.


“You have to be strong Em. I know it’s hard, but you just have to.”

“I know, thank you, Lou.”


I was, once again, with a mug with hot chocolate on my hand but this time I was seated on the big window of the living room while I watched the rain falling and wetting the streets calming me at the same time.

I was careful not to wake up Louis when I got up because I was sleepless, but I knew he was going to show up at any minute once he realized I wasn’t on the bed and that I was taking too long, he always does that.

Truth is that once again I can’t sleep. So many horrible things have been happening in my life that I don’t even know how anyone can sleep at all.

My mother did a lot of terrible things because she wanted me to leave Louis, including that John’s lie, besides she made me lose the baby when she kidnapped me and Louis.

I wished she was dead with all my strength and after what she did it was like that had already happened because I knew I would never be able to trust her or even speak to her, it was like she had actually died to me.

However, now that it really happened I was feeling bad at myself and confused. I was in a hard situation because I was relieved because I knew she wouldn’t try anything else and that me and Louis could finally be happy, but I was sad at the same time because she was my mother and she’s that person we never stop loving because it was her who brought us to the world and that raised us, gave us food, home and love and we both suffered a lot in my father’s hands we always stuck together and those are the things we can never forget.

I cleaned the tears that fell through my face and finished my hot chocolate, walking to the kitchen where I placed the empty mug on the table. I leaned against the island of the kitchen and sighed closing my eyes, thinking about the fact that I still had to prepare my mother’s funeral.

“Emily you know that it’s worse if you don’t sleep.” I heard Louis’ voice followed by a kiss on my neck which made me shiver.

“I can’t sleep…”

“Want some tea? It’ll help you sleep.”

“I already drank hot chocolate.”

“Things will start getting better, I’m sure. Sometimes bad things happen to us but then something good happens. Believe me.”

“I hope you’re right Lou.”

“I’m telling you this because I’ve been through a lot of bad stuff and then something good happened. When I lost Sarah and my family and then I found you. When something separated us, but we always ended up together. When I thought I had lost you to John, but you remembered everything.” He grabbed my hand and turned me to him, hugging me. “You have to be hopeful and fight.”

“But it’s so hard!”

“I’ll help you.”

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