Chapter 10

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“You wanna marry me?” He asked. “Emily?” He called, insecure, seeing I didn’t answered him, but, I mean, give me a break. The guy just asked me to marry him!

“Huh… I… wow…”

I was out of words, I never thought he would proposed me, much less in such an impulsive and unexpected situation like this.

“That was… Oh my…”

I looked at John and saw he was looking at me hopefully and, looking at Louis, I saw many emotions on his face: shock, sadness, anger and hope, even though I didn’t know the reason of half of them.

“Yes.” I, finally, answered, still incredulous and a smile grew on John’s face who hugged me immediately and spun our bodies, rising me from the ground.

“I love you.” He said with a large smile.

“Me too.”

“I better get going.” Louis said.

Seeing him turning is back and walking to his apartment made me want to hug him again, because he looked so sad a lonely, but I couldn’t do it, because John was right there and it would be awkward and bad and I’m going to get married with him.

Oh my God! I’m John’s fiancé…

“Let’s go home?”

“Huh… yes, but I think we should start preparing the things for the wedding.” I played.

“Yes.” He agreed and laughed and I laughed too.

He gave me a long kiss before each of us go to the car, driving home. I know he had lied to me, but that’s because he loves me and he don’t want to lose me… although, I still don’t get why would he lose me. He lied to me about the fact that Louis was with me when I had the car accident, but I think I can forgive him… right?

What I don’t get, at all, is why I was in the car of someone like Louis. Who was Louis, after all? What was he to me that would make john lie to me?

When I got home, I sat on the sofa with my laptop seeing wedding dresses. We didn’t even have a day or nothing like that, since he had proposed me ten minutes ago, but I’m very indecisive about dresses and clothes, I better start seeing this things already.

John sat next to me, looked at my laptop and started laughing. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.


“Nothing, nothing.”


Someone knocked at the door of my office when I was writing my article and I cursed whoever it was, because I was having great ideas for the them that I myself had chosen for this week.

“Come in!”

The door opened revealing Louis, which made my heart beating faster and I don’t know why. I looked at his serious and hurt face, his eyes were locking mine looking at me like if it was the last he’d do it.

“What are you-“

“So you’re getting married.”

“Huh… yes, apparently.”

“You’re making a mistake.”

“People usually say things like “Congratulations” or “You’re going to be so happy”.”

“When there’s a reason to celebrate or when you know the person will be happy.”

“You think I’m not going to be happy?”

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