Chapter 7

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I went to take a shower right after john. I still can’t believe that the weekend went so fast. When I got and went to the bedroom, he was already sleeping. I smiled while watching his angel face sleeping, he is really sweet and he is always ready to help me no matter what it happens and I like being with him, although, sometimes, I feel like I’m with him just because it’s supposed to.

“Mum, what happened?”

The lady that was in front of me, that claimed to be my mother, had already told me some things of my life before coming to the hospital, but I still not knowing what had happened that made me come to here.

“Honey, you were driving during the night and you fell asleep and ended up crashing against an abandoned house.”

“Did… did I hurt someone?” I asked, because I felt like I had to be worried about someone and that I had to see if someone was fine and there was a voice in my head that wouldn’t stop saying “Don’t leave, Emily.” And I wanted to know who it was.

“No honey. You were coming from the university to have dinner at our house with john, but you were alone and you didn’t hurt anyone, honey, you can relax.”


“Don’t worry.”

“And who’s John?”

“You don’t remember him?”


“You’ve been dating him since he moved here, you even used to play about the situation and say that it was love at the first sight. He is a good boy, he has a good family and he has extremely good manners…”

I had fell asleep at the wheel and went against an abandoned house. Every time I make questions to my mum or to John about the accident, they would tell me this, I remember perfectly well.

“You got distracted and went against an abandoned house.”

Oh my God! Was Louis right? Were they really fooling me? What other reason would exist for john to have mistaken about such an important fact as the cause of me having the car accident?

What am I going to do now? Talk to Louis? No, I can’t, because, if I do that, they would find out that I had found out that they have been lying to me and I want to have absolutely sure about it before I do something. I can talk to John either, because he’s going to lie to me again, much less with my mum, because she would start making a scene and overreacting.

Or maybe I am overreacting. Maybe he was nothing, maybe he isn’t lying. Probably, he got wrong just by chance and I am already thinking the worst and that’s all because of Louis. I have to stay away from him, because this is what he wants, he wants me to break up with John and I don’t know why.

Yes, maybe it’s better for me to forget what he said to me.

John’s POV

When I went to take a shower, I turned the hot water on in the max so Emily wouldn’t hear me talking to her mother. I have to tell her that she had asked about the car accident once again. She didn’t do it for so long and she did it now that the boy showed up, so, I’m sure, something happened.

I wonder if she remembered something. Did she remember him? Or did he tell her everything?

“John, what’s going on?”

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