Chapter 8

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“Good morning, Mr. Jefferson.” I said, the next day, as I saw him on the agency.

“Good morning, Emily! How’s your article?”

“I’ll send it to you in few minutes.”


I went straight to my office and finished my article, I checked everything I had wrote twice and got out to deliver it to Mr. Jefferson. When I got in his office, he wasn’t there, Louis was. He was sat reading a book and writing something, while he was biting his lip.

God! He looked so…

I won’t even finish it!

He rose his head from the book and looked at me with his blue eyes piercing my skin. I took a deep breath trying to ignore the feeling he was causing me just by looking at me that way.

“I just came to… give my… my article…”

“Why are you nervous?” He asked with a cocky smile, like if he knew that, what he was doing to me, was working.

“I’m not!” I countered, happy for not have stammered.

“Of course not.”

“Don’t be sarcastic.”

“I’m not.” He said, smiling playfully and making my heart race, which was annoying me, because I don’t know him, so, he shouldn’t be able to have this effect on me.

“Whatever. Tell Mr. Jefferson I left here my article, if you don’t mind.”

“Any time, princess.”

“Open your legs, princess.”

“What did you call me?”


“Don’t… don’t call me that again...”

I got out Mr. Jefferson’s office running, not literally, but almost! God, I really am getting crazy! No, Louis is making me crazy and he was, clearly, having fun with that.

He called me princess and that made me feel so close to me… so close that he could ask me to open my legs! Oh my God! I need to be confined… why is this happening to me? Why with him? He has nothing to do with me and all that look of his… I would never relate to someone like him in any possible way! Oh my God! What’s happening to me? Why does he makes me so confused? I’m going to get crazy if this keeps going like this…

No, I am already crazy!

Distracted with my own thoughts, I ended up bumping against someone, while I was going to my office and ended up falling on the floor. I got up right away and straightened my clothes. Right in front of me it was a pale boy, tall and with tattoos… not as many as Louis, but enough for me to think they were too much…

I wonder if I had an magnet that attracted people like this. Well… it wasn’t really impossible, if I was a hymen that would attract metal, maybe it’d work, because Louis has a piercing on his lip and this boy has one on his eyebrow… and on his lip… and on his ear… so, it’s normal.

Wow, mental stream of consciousness.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking to where I was going.”

“It’s okay, I wasn’t… Emily?”

“Huh… yes?”

“You don’t remember me?”


“I’m Ash… you can’t have forgotten.”

“I’m sorry, I… don’t remember, I… I have to go… sorry.”

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