Chapter 5

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The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination.

— Tommy Lasorda

Emily’s POV

I was very well-bent and excited writing my article because, finally my imagination had awaken and I had kind of forgot what happened and I was getting to write something worthy of being published on a newspaper, when someone knocks the door.

“Come in!” I said and smiled when he got in. “John!” I got up immediately and ran to him hugging him. “I was so worried.”

“Sorry for not answering the phone, but it was muted and then with that project I didn’t even remember of seeing my missed calls.”

“It’s okay, what matters is that you’re okay.”

“Still, sorry for making you worry about me.”

“I said it’s okay.” I answered, smiling when he kissed me.

“Let’s get lunch?”

“Yes, where?”

I grabbed my jacket and my umbrella since it was raining a lot and got out of my office, followed by John.

“It’s a surprise.”

“Great!” I smiled and kissed him sweetly.

When I stepped back, I saw he had fixed his gaze on something behind me and his eyes widened. I looked at the direction he was looking and didn’t see anything out of normal… except for Louis, who was looking at us with a… hurt look?

That’s so odd… Why was he looking like that way? He can’t believe I would fall in love with him just because of what happened on the bathroom, right? He did that, clearly, so I would get confused and for him to win my heart, because he has the whole style of someone who doesn’t like to be with the same girl for too long and, if he thinks that I’m going to be just one more diversion of his, he’s way too wrong.

I’m sure it was that, what other explanation would exist?

“John what’s happening?”

“Hm… nothing, it’s nothing.”

“I forgot my phone, do you mind waiting?”

“No, you can go.”

I was with him for time enough to know that smile wasn’t real. Something is going on, I know he is worried about something and I want to know what it is so I can help him. I sighed and took my phone from my purse, seeing I had a message from an unknown number.

“We don’t see each other for so long, Emily. I miss you, when do you come back to Hoboken? Kahlan.”

Kahlan… Who was her? I have never heard of such name, I’m sure they got the number wrong. I got out of the office and john was still waiting for me, smiling as he saw me. Louis was nowhere to be found, just like Mary. I wonder if they were together.

I slapped myself mentally. Why was I thinking about this?

“Let’s go?” I asked grabbing john’s hand.


I grabbed my car keys, when we got to the parking lot, but john took them from me and put them in his pocket, opening his car door for me to get in. I laughed and got in, john closed the door and started the car right away.

Louis’ POV

I saw Emily passing with… John, if I’m not wrong, not that remembering his name is something important, but I knew his name because I’m sure he liked Emily when we were still in college and, now, seeing that he is with her, after the accident, only makes me think that I’m right… and that something is wrong. I have to know everything that happened in these last years, why doesn’t she remembers me and why is she with John in London.

I have the feeling that her mother is, somehow, involved in this.

He said something to her and she smiled and kissed him. By that time, I stopped listening Mary, who was talking to me, again. He was like if someone put the scene on replay and the pain I was feeling was growing at every second.

She doesn’t remember me and I just got the confirmation of it. She doesn’t remember me, what we’ve been through, she doesn’t remember everything I told her and what she said and told me, she doesn’t remember who I was. She doesn’t remember she had loved me.

“John what’s happening?” Emily asked john and I saw that he was looking at me like he was scared. He better be, because I have this urge to kill him right now because he is with Emily.

“Hm… nothing, it’s nothing.”

“I forgot my phone, do you mind waiting?”

“No, you can go.” He said smiling.

I got ready to go after her, but, then, I saw him grabbing his phone and looking everywhere, like if checking if someone was hearing him.

“Beatrice I have some bad news. We have a big problem.” A pause followed. “No, it’s not the psychologist, but it’s something that will, for sure, ruin our plan.” He looked at Emily’s office to make sure she was still there and I hid myself. “He is here.” Another pause. “I don’t know how he knew we are here, but he is here, on the agency Emily works and I’m sure he will ruin everything. What are we going to do?” One more pause. “Okay. Yes, we have to be careful. Yes. Okay.

 “Let’s go?” Emily’s voice sounded and I stopped hearing them.

I got out of the place I was hidden and went to my office. They had come to London to get away from me? That was nuts! I have to tell this to Emily, she needs to know why she’s here and why doesn’t she remember me. If she believes in me, which may be hard, especially after I kissed her and after that scene on the bathroom.

Even though he was worth.


He has to believe me, she has to know what her mother did and that is with me she has to ve with and not with John, it’s to me she has to smile like that, it’s me she has to kiss. No one else.

I’m gonna make her remember everything, I’m gonna make her love me again, even it is the last thing I do.

Narrator’s POV

Little did he knew the truth and the destiny his words carried. Little did he knew that, most likely, that, would be the last thing he would do.

Before you all start saying this is really small, let me tell you that I really wanted to make like this... well, not small, but end on that part... things are about to heat up after this chapter and the Narrator's POV is cool hahah... well, I hope so '-'

btw: read my fic Hero, which is already being published and it's way different from what I used to, so I could use some feedback :p


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