Chapter 15

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Previous and serious warning: if you don't like to read the hot scenes (oh my God, I'm already telling you what's going to happen... fuck!), then you can skip them. Star reading it normally and then stop here "I wasn’t thinking about anything else but" it will be in bold and then start reading again in the last three paragraphs also bold. :)

Louis’ POV

As I got alone, after dozens of interviews, Mary came to me, clinging to my neck. I tried to get away from her, but she grabbed my hand and took me to a dark corner with the excuse something had happened to Emily and that she needed to talk to me.

“What happened to Emily?” I asked serious and worried and she just licked her lips and pushed me against a sound box.

Fuck, that hurt!

“Emily? What Emily?”

“Mary, what’s going on?”

She didn’t answered me, just loosened her dressing gown, revealing her naked body and got closer to me, attacking my lips. I tried to get her away from me, but she was always getting closer.

“Mary, get lost!”

“Shh… don’t talk.” She whispered, grabbing my hands and pressing it against her breasts. I have to admit they were big and that, in another time, in the past, I would have fucked her right there against the sound box, because she’s hot, but I love Emily and she has nothing to do with the others.

I love Emily. Emily is special, better than anyone else.

I pushed Mary and she stepped back, but got closer to me again, putting my hands, this time, in her waist and holding them with her own hands, while she was suffocating me in an attempt for me to kiss her back.

When I looked forward, I saw Emily and my eyes got wide open. No, this can’t be happening! Not now that I was getting her trust back. Shit!

Mary, you bitch!

“Emily! No, don’t run, please.” I tried to say, knowing that it was exactly what she was going to do and I was right. “Fuck!”

“Louis!” Mary called.

“Fuck!” I repeated, lower to myself. “Did you see the shit you just do?” I shouted at Mary and she stepped back, scared. “I should kill you right now.”

“Come on, Louis. Forget the girl, she’s nothing compared to me. Let’s have some fun like old times.”

“Shut up. I hope you die and rot in hell.”

“You’ll get there first than me, Tommo.” She said laughing and I got out of there, showing her my middle finger.

Emily’s POV

My phone started ringing, I got up from the bed and took it from my purse. It a call from john. I cleared the tears and took two deep breaths before picking it up.

“Emily! I miss you so much, I just got home from work and I’m going to start cooking dinner and I decided to call you.”

“I’m glad you called, I miss you so much too.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, why?” I cleared my voice.

“I don’t know, you seem weird… have… have you been crying, Emily?”

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