Chapter 9

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When I recovered from the shock, I got up and went to Louis office. It wasn’t very hard to find it, there was just three columnists, me, Bernard and Louis and the offices were right next to each other. I knocked on the door, but no one answered me.

“Kayla, do you know where Louis is?”

“He just left.”

“He left? No, he can’t have left!”

“Is there anything going on?” I heard Mr. Jefferson’s voice asking, right behind me.

“No, I was just-“

“She wanted to know where your nephew is.” Kayla cut me and I cursed her on that time.

“Louis? He just left, but why do you want to know about him?”

“Oh it was just something about… an article.”

“He told me he was going home.”

“Okay, thank you.” I said faking a smile.

I went to my office again and tried to start writing my article, but I couldn’t focus, what the girl from the hospital told didn’t get out of my mind.

John and my mum had lied to me, I wasn’t alone in the accident, I was with a person and it was Louis! I wonder if that’s why got surprised. Oh my God, did they lied to me about anything else? And why? Why would they lie about what happened? What did they have to hide?

“Kayla, tell Mr. Jefferson that I’m leaving earlier today.” I asked after deciding I was going to look for Louis for him to tell me everything.

“Okay, but you already know how’s he gonna be.”

“Tell it’s a life or death matter!” I shouted already leaving.

I got out of the agency and went straight to my car driving to Louis’, but, when I got there, I didn’t know which number was his apartment. I got out of the car and went to read the signs with the names, but his name wasn’t there.

“Great…” I said to myself.

When I was getting back to my car, I saw him. He was walking while looking at his phone.

He was alive, but he could be dead.

Because of me.

And I didn’t know.

Louis rose his head and looked at me causing me chills. On that moment, I felt a huge urge of running to him and hugging him, but I control it. I don’t know what’s happening to me.

I am crazy!


“You were with me.” I said and he rose his eyebrow. “On the accident. You were with me.” I explained.


“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You wouldn’t believe me.” He shrugged.

“Tell what happened. I wanna know what happened on the accident.” I asked.

“We had just got out of a cake shop, I was driving and there was a car that crashed against us.”

“Just it?”

“I wouldn’t say ‘just’.”

“What do you mean with that?”

“The accident was planned.”



“How do you know?”

“The car pulled out the moment we crossed it and it went straight against us, it didn’t even locked, we went to the hospital and that’s where they “told you your story and who you were” and broke us apart.”

“So, they lied to me.”

“I told you.”

“And I didn’t believed.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“But I can’t remember you.”

“Because they made you forget. Why do you think you came to London so quickly? If you stayed away from me and if they fill all the places of your life where I should be, you would never remember…”

“So… you were you?”

“I was-“

“Emily!” I heard john’s voice shouting and, turning on my back, I saw him running on our direction. “I just got out of the agency and they told me had left earlier. What are you doing here?”

“Huh… I was… You lied to me!”


“Why did you told me I was alone when I had the accident? Why did you told me that I got distracted or fell asleep and crashed against an abandoned house?”

“Emily, that’s not-“

“Don’t tell me is not true!”

“Keep calm.”

“I was with Louis and a car went against the one we were on purpose and you brought me here so I wouldn’t remember anything.”

“Did you tell her?” John asked Louis.

“I didn’t tell her anything, she found out, like she would end up finding sooner or later.”

“None of this would have happened if you hadn’t come here.”

“I’m not the problem. You’re the one you lied to her.”

“You just came to ruin her life.”

“No, I came to tell her the truth, some that you don’t do.”

“What do you know about telling the truth?”

“More than you do, apparently. I always told her everything, but you clearly didn’t. Don’t you think you went too far? Making all that up, creating a new story totally different from what was true… You created a person.”

My head was toggling between the both of them, while they had a conversation about me, like if I wasn’t right next to them I wasn’t understanding a thing of what they were saying.

“I don’t care. You have to leave.”

“No!” I almost screamed, without even knowing why.

Actually, I don’t Louis to leave, I don’t know why, but I just want him to stay.

“I mean… huh…” I looked at Louis and saw that he was smiling because of what I said and looked at John that seemed like he was going to have a panic attack at any moment. “John why did you lied to me?”

“Because I love you, more than anything and I don’t wanna lose you.”

“But why would you lose me?” I asked confused.

I really don’t get why John lied to me so he would not lose me. And because of Louis? What did he mean to me after all that even made John afraid of losing me?

“Because I was your-“

“Marry me.” John cut Louis leaving me and him with our mouths open.



and Louis wans't able to say a thing because of John... and he proposed Emily!!!!! Will she say yes? :o

If I got 25 votes and 15 comments I'll post a new chapter tomorrow :3

@niamrauhl :)

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