Chapter 32

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Some more time will pass, but this time is not much, it's just for the baby to "grow up" and for Emily's mother to build the plan for the kidnapping, got it? :)




One month later…

Emily’s POV

I was still at home, because I had to go to the doctor to make an echography. I place my hand on my belly while I walked and smiled, I could already notice it was bigger even though a few time passed.

I was getting things ready for me to leave home, when the bell rang. I sighed and looked at the watch realizing I still had a few minutes. Outside, there were two tall and well-built men and that, even though I didn’t know them, were scaring me a bit.

“Good morning.” The one in the left told me with a nice smile.

“Good morning.” I answered.

“We’re making some statistics, we wanted to know if you usually keep the rent receipts of your apartment.”

“Huh… the apartment was bought so there’s no rent.”

“And do you keep the sale’s declaration?” (AN: I don’t know if you have these, or if this is the way you say/write it, but it’s that paper they gave you that has the name of the old owner saying that he’s selling the “sold thing” and then the new owner’s name)


“And can you get it for us? We wanted to see some point of it for the statistics…” The one the right said.

“Huh… y-yes… I guess…”

I mentally frowned, that seemed weird to me, but I think it wouldn’t hurt to show them those papers. I turned my back on them, not telling them come in, they were weird and I was not going to invite them in.

However, the moment I did it, I felt hands grabbing me and immobilizing my body while a piece of fabric was leaned against my nose. I tried to fight with all my strength but these were leaving my body second by second.

The strength disappeared and I quit fighting, everything went suddenly black and stopped hearing one single noise, letting my body fall into the hands of whoever those guys were, praying for Louis to do one of his magical appearances, even though something inside me was telling me that was not going to happen that time.

I had a bad feeling about what was about to happen, that feeling we use to get when we know that a certain test went wrong or when we’re about to get fired… even though I never got to the real feeling of getting a bad mark or being fired…


My eyes opened and I realized I was in some kind of shed due to the smell of dust and the lack of light that has bad covered windows as the source, besides, it was a huge and empty place. The only thing I could see were some stairs that looked like a bit destroyed by the time.

I groaned because of the headache I was feeling.

Where the hell was I?

Where did they took me?

Who were those guys?

What did they want from me?

“Oh look, our princess woke up.” I heard the man that was coming upstairs with a beer on his hand.

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