Chapter 45

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dafuq? isn't 45 chapters like... a lot? #cried it's already more than Dark and OMG this is actually about to be over :c

read the note on the end please




Emily’s POV

“What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to Louis.”


“What?” He asked confused.

“I can’t let you talk to Louis, I don’t want any more trouble Harry, I’m tired of it.”

“I understand but… I’m not here to get into trouble.”

“Emily? Who’s there?” I heard Louis asking from the kitchen and I sighed, biting my lower lip while wondering if I should or nor send Harry away and tell Louis it was someone who was mistaken.

“You can come in, wait here, I’m going to call him.”

“Thank you and… you can trust me. I changed.” He said with a smile and the truth his that his words seemed to be honest and I just wanted to believe he wasn’t going to cause any more trouble or try to separate both of us once again.

I left the hall and went to the kitchen quickly where Louis was stirring something, turning off the stove right away and looking at me as soon as I got in.

“It’s Harry.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Why aren’t you surprised?”

“He called me few days ago and he said he needed to talk to me, because he had changed.


“Emily he was my best friend and I think he has the right to be heard and he said he changed, I just wanna know what he has to say to me.”

“You… why didn’t you tell me anything about it?” I asked shocked, but keeping my voice down so Harry wouldn’t hear us.

“Because I knew this is exactly how you would react.”

“How did you want me to react? Louis, he helped my mother getting us apart!”

“I know… that’s why I want to hear him, I…” He sighed. “Forget it, I’m going to talk to him whether you like it or not.”

“Is that supposed to mean my opinion doesn’t even counts?” I asked incredulous.

“What I mean is that nothing you can say will stop me from talking to him.”

“Wow… is that what you really think?”

“Yes. He’s my best friend.”


“Whatever. I still want to hear him the same way he always did every time I had problems going on, when happened all of that shit on my past and that doesn’t mean I’m going to turn into the same person I used to be, you don’t have to worry about that Emily.”

“You told him where we are living.”

“So what? We’re going to buy a new house.”

“I don’t like this.”

“You don’t need to worry.”



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