Chapter 11

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Christmas eve

Erin's pov.

I wake up to the smell of something good cooking. I walk into the kitchen to see Jay cooking pancakes. I go up and wrap my arms around him.

"Good morning beautiful." He says

"Good morning." I mumble into his back.

"So your going to meet my parents today?" He says turning around to face me 

"Yeah I guess I am. What if they don't like me?" I say not knowing if they will like me.

"Erin they will love you." He says putting his hands on either side of my face.

"Yeah but..." I start before he interrupts me.

"Erin trust me." He says.

"OK" I say as he finishes breakfast.

So we eat our breakfast. Christmas dinner starts at 5 but Jay wanted to go early so he can introduce me and for me to get to know own everyone a little.

When we were don't eating it was 11. So we still had 5 hours before we had to go there.

"So er we still have a few hours. What would you like to do." He says with a smirk.

"I'm not sure" I say slowly walking over to jay.

The gap between us is now small. Jay walks quickly over to me and grabs my face in his hands. He places a kiss on my lips. It quickly becomes heated and he lifts me onto the counter. I wrap my legs around him pulling him closer. He pulls off his shirt to reveal his toned abs. I run my fingers down his chest. He lifts me up and carries me to the bedroom. He places me down on the bed end lifts my shirt and starts kissing my stomach. I then pull off my shirt. He rips his pants off then mine. He throws them along with his boxers to the floor. He then gets on top of me and unclasps my bra and throws it to the ground he rolls over allowing me to go on top and take control. I sit up on him and start to kiss down his chest. He then enters me and I let out a small gasp that I just couldn't keep in. He then rolls so he is on top again taking control. When we were both finished he rolls off and wraps his arms around me.

"Jay thank you. I'm not as nervous anymore." I say smiling.

"Oh no problem. Anything for my amazing girlfriend." he says with a small chuckle.

I look over to the clock and realise that it's 3.

"Jay if we still want to make it to dinner we should maybe start getting ready." I say jumping out of bed.

"OK I have to take a shower." He says getting up too

"So do I. But no fooling around this time. We can't be late for the first time a meet your family." I say rushing to get towels.

"OK let's go then." Jay says. 

So we hury to the bathroom Jay turns on the water as I grab us some towels. We hope in and shower real quick. Jay washes my hair for me. Then we jump out and get dried off. Jay goes into the bedroom to get dressed as I stay in the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. When I'm done I look into the mirror and notice something on my collarbone.

"Jay Halstead look what you did to me." I gasp

Jay walks into the bathroom.

"What did I do." He says confused. 

"Look at this. I can't go to your parents house like this." Pointing to me collarbone

"Why not?" He questions still confused.

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