Chapter 18

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Erin's pov

Beep Beep Beep

I woke up this morning to the sound of the alarm. Ugh. It was 6:30 and oh how I wish I could have stayed in bed. I guess that's what a week of work will do to you. No schedules no responsibilities and no work. Well that's all over now.

I unwrap my self from jays arms and turn to face him. I lightly shake his shoulder trying to wake him up.

"Jay, Jay come on its time to get up" I continue shaking his shoulder.

"Ugh do I have too." He groans covering his face with his pillow.

"Yes you do. We have to go back to work today."

"OK I'm up." He says throwing the pillow aside.

So I go downstairs to start our coffee because I know he will be in a better mood if there is coffee already made.

When I am done getting the coffee ready I go back up stairs to tell Jay. I find Jay sound asleep again in the bed. He has to wake so I walk over to him and sit beside him on the bed. I lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips. I can feel him stir below me and then he starts kissing back.

"I told you, you have to get up." I say pulling away and standing up.

"Well that was a nice way to get up." He is sitting up in bed fully awake this time.

"OK there is coffee downstairs. I have to take a quick shower. So get ready then we have to go to work."I say walking towards the bathroom attached to our room.

I get in the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I turn in the shower and wait till it's the perfect temperature before jumping in. After a few minutes I hear the doorknob turn but not open because I locked it.

"I don't think so mister." I yell out to him.

"Oh come on Er."

"I said no. We are already behind schedule because someone wouldn't get up this morning. Now go get ready." With that i could hear him walk away leaving me to finish my shower. I jump out a few minutes later and grab my towel. I wrap it around my self before walking out to the bedroom to get changed.

As I walk out I see Jay sitting on the bed with just his boxers on.

"Jay I told you, you need to get ready." I say walking over to my closet.

I can feel jays walk up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"But I don't want to." He said sending chills down the back of my neck.

He grabbed the corners of my towel and I instantly put my hand on my chest holding it up.

"Jay Halstead go get ready now." I say turning around scowling at him.

"We aren't going to be late. And in order for that to happen we now need to rush."

Finaly Jay walked away to get ready. So I turned back to my closet grabbing my clothes for the day. I get dressed in a pair of black jeans and a red plaid shirt. Jay git dressed in blue jeans and a black tight fitting shirt. I could almost make out his abs from it and it made his arm muscles pop out. He was teasing me now for saying no to him this morning I could tell.

But we had to get to work so I shook it off and went to the kitchen to grab a price of toast of breakfast and my coffee calling Jay down so we could leave.

We actually managed to leave 5 minutes ahead of schedule because I made us rush so fast.

We made it to the district with a few minutes to spare. So we got out of the car and headed up to the bullpen. Like usual we were stopped by Platt. But today she wasn't saying anything sarcastic to jay like usual. Instead she was talking to me.

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