Chapter 27

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Erin's pov

I'm confused at first then I realise it was all just a dream. Jay isn't here he was kidnapped but he isn't dead as far as we know.

We haven't got the results back from the examiners. But it has been 4 days now. I thought they were rushing the tests so we could get the results faster.

Well maybe today is the day that we will find out. We haven't been doing anything for the past 4 days. We just sit at our desks waiting for the commander to come up with the examiner to tell us the results. I don't think I can wait any longer.

It is 6:30 and time for me to get up. So I get up and get my coffee. I sit at the table to drink it then I jump in the shower. When I am done I get out and get dressed for the day then do my hair.

Once I'm ready to leave I get in my car and drive to the district.

I walk upstairs and am the last one there.

When I make it up to the top of the stairs everyone stops what they are doing and the all look at me.

Antonio stands up from his chair and walks over to me emediatly.

"Hey what's up." I say once he reaches me.

"They have been in there for about a half an hour." He says taking a step to the side

Then I notice it. The door to hanks office is closed but I can see 2 people are inside with hank.

"Erin." I hear Antonio yell.

"Ya, sorry." I say snapping back into reality.

"Come on. Hank asked me to bring you in when you got here."

"Alright" I say walking with Antonio to hanks office.

Antonio knocks on the door and I can hear the conversation stop inside. A few seconds later the door is opened and we were greeted by hank.

As soon as I saw him a tried to read his face. Try and figure out what kind of news he has been told by the way it affected him.

But I couldn't read him. He didn't look like he was given bad news or good. So this didn't help my nerves and the feeling of my stomach in my throat.

"Erin come on in. Take a seat." I walk in and sit down in the chair across from hanks desk and beside the commander and the examiner.

"Detective lindsay" the commander says as I sit down.

"Commander." I manage to say. My nerves are killing me. This is the moment I will find out whether or not Jay is dead.

"So as you know I have been spending the past few days examining the body that you brought in the other day." The examiner starts.

"Well we rushed the tests but the body was too far gone to get any dna off of it. So the first tests we did were inconclusive." The examiner says.

"So are you saying you don't know who we found?" Hank asks.

"No I'm just apologizing for how long the results took. We managed to get an ID by using his dental records. The man you found in the house was not detective Halstead."

I let out the breath that I was holding. Jay isn't dead. He is still out there somewhere and we are going to find him.

"So Jay isn't dead?" I ask to make sure I heard it right.

"As far as we know he is still alive." The examiner says.

"So since detective Halstead is still out there somewhere and I am allowing your unit to continue the investigation." The commander says.

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