Chapter 48

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Erin's pov.

"Er. Are you alright you haven't filled out any of the paperwork yet." Jay says breaking me out of my trance.

"Huh. Oh yeah I'm fine." I say.

Will came in almost an hour ago to give us the paperwork which was the last step before we could go home and I have been staring at the wall the whole time and haven't even put my name down.

"Er please talk to me." Jay says putting his clipboard down with the stuff he had to fill out.

"It's just I don't know if I can go home. What if-" I start to explain before Jay cuts me off.

"Erin don't. Nothing is going to happen I promise. I will be there for you and i won't leave you." He says grabbing my hand causing me to look him in the eyes and I can see the pain that I have caused him these past few days.

"He's still out there Jay. What if he comes back"

"Er he won't come back. We have half of the Chicago cops out there looking for him right now. He can't stay hidden forever and we will find him. Now please fill out the paperwork so we can get out of here." Jay says as I pick up my pen and fill it out.

After another 15 minutes will came in with a wheelchair.

"Guess who gets to go home." Will says wheeling in.

"Will." Jay says giving him a look as if to say shut up.

"Alright well everything is good to go, stop by the desk in your way out to grab your painkillers and you are good to go. You know the drill take it easy for a few days, take some time to relax. Don't forget you have an appointment with Dr.charles tomorrow. And if you need anything call me." Will says.

"Thanks bro" Jay says giving him a hug before will leaves.

"So you ready to go?" Jay asks bringing the wheelchair closer to the bed.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say.

"You need help?" Jay asks as I struggle to get out of bed.

I just nod in response as Jay holds his hand out to help me. I grab it swinging my legs off the bed and putting my feet on the ground. I grab onto his other hand as I stand up on my shaky legs.

I stand there for a minute just getting used the feeling of standing again as I just look into jays eyes.

Once my legs stop shaking i let go of his hands and take a step closer to him and lunge forward wrapping my arms around his shoulders. This took him by surprise and it takes him a minute to hug me back.

When he wraps his arms around me I can't keep the tears from falling and I burst out sobbing.

"Hey what's wrong" He says pulling back.

"Nothing. I just didn't know if I would ever get to hug you again." I say.

"Well why don't we get you home and we can go and relax. I can make you some real food since all you have had is this hospital stuff and I know from experience it sucks." He says causing me to laugh because it's so true.

He helps me sit down in the chair and then grabs whatever stuff we had in the room and wheels me out to the desk.

"Hey you are strong. You can get past this. We will get past this. Together. We have don't it before and we will do it again." He says as we make it to the desk.

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