Chapter 37

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Please read the note at the bottom.

Just so you guys know where we are Erin and Jay have been together for 10 months.

Erin's pov.

I woke up sweating. I was sweating as if I was hot but I couldn't keep myself from shivering. I also had this pain ripping through my stomach.

I layed in bed trying to get through the pain but it wasn't going away. It was starting to get so bad that I was rolling around attempting to find a position where it didn't hurt.

I guess I was moving around alot because the next thing I knew Jay was up beside me.

"Erin what's going on?" He said lifting his head and opening his eyes.

I couldn't even respond because the pain in my stomach was so bad. I was closing my eyes trying to get through the pain

"Erin what's wrong? Talk to me. Erin." He says and I can hear the worried tone in his voice.

Then all of a sudden it stopped and I started breathing heavily trying to catch my breath.

"Erin, hey are you alright?" He says reaching his hand over and placing it on my cheek.

As soon as his hand made contact it felt good his hands were nice and cold soothing my burning hot skin.

I opened my mouth to answer him but I couldn't as I felt a lump grow in my throat.

I jumped out of the bed running to our bathroom barely making it to the toilet before emptying the contents of my stomach.

Within seconds Jay was behind me holding my hair back as I continued emptying everything I ate last night out of my stomach.

When I was finaly done I leaned back and I rest my back against the bathtub. Jay leaned back to and wrapped his arms around me rubbing his hand up and down my back. I just collapsed into his arms as we sat there with him helping to calm me down.

"Shhh your alright." He whispered in my ear placing a kiss on the side of my head.

"Hey are you alright now?" He asked and all I did was nod my head in response.

"Alright I will be right back." Jay said before standing up and heading out of the bathroom.

He came back seconds later holding a glass of water. I gladly took it and took a sip to rinse the horrible taste from my mouth swishing it around before spitting it back out.

Then I went on to take a small drink before handing the glass back to him. He placed it on the counter before leaning down and wrapping his arms around me again.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to help you back to bed?" He asked

"Yeah" I managed to say just above a whisper.

So he helped me off the ground lifting me in his arms and he carried me into the bedroom gently placing me down on the bed.

He pulled the blankets up to my chin and I cuddled up to them. Then I felt him get back into bed behind me gently wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"So what was that all about?" He asked

"I don't know. I just woke up to a stabbing pain in my stomach and then i got sick." I said.

"Alright I will call hank ant tell him that we won't be in today." He says as he leans over grabbing his phone off the night stand.

"Hey hank it's Jay... yeah Erin's sick so we won't be in today... yeah it's not looking too good... alright thanks and i will be sure to tell her... ok bye." Jay says as he is on the phone.

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