Chapter 19

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Jays pov.

We were at the club for out undercover mission. Antonio and I arrived before Erin in the van. When they arrived Erin walked through the door and looked at me as if to tell me everything was going to be alright. She made her way over to the dance floor with the other girls. She spotted Damien right away and slowly made her way over to him. She started dancing in front of him then threw him a look over her shoulder with that he pushed himself right up against her and placed his hands on her hips.

I know it's just undercover and this means nothing to her but i feel something boiling in the pit of my stomach. Jealousy. I wish I was over there dancing with her. But I can't so I just have to deal with it.

After a few minutes of them dancing I see Damen grab her hand and drag her to a room in the back. The plan was that after 5 minutes of them back there we would go in so we could make sure that Erin could get him in there without any suspicion.

It has been a few minutes and I get up from the bar with Antonio and radio hank to tell him it almost time to move in. Just as I tell him this gunshots ring out through the building.

"Erin!!" I yell running towards the backroom.

"Erin!!" I scream as I open the door.

What I find is Damien on the floor and beside him is erin covered in blood with a huge gash on her head.

"Erin, Erin are you alright" Then I see her move and I know she isn't dead.

I run over to her and throw Damien off her. He has three gunshots to the chest. I know he is dead.

"Erin. Are you alright? Are you hit?"

"Jay im fine." She says as she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me into a huge hug. I can feel hot tears seeping through my shirt.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her up to her feet. So I can give her a big hug back.

"Erin your alright. Your gonna be fine." I say as I place my hand on the back of her head trying to comfort her.

It works a little and she pulls back and looks me in the eyes.

"Jay, he held a gun to my head. He knew who I was. He was going to kill me." Her voice cracks at the end and I grab her again and I pull her into another hug as she pulls herself together.

Just then hank and the rest of the team walk in.

"What the hell happened in here" Hank says as he walks in.

Erin pulls out of the hug to respond but I do before she can.

"He made us and held a gun to Erin's head. He was gonna kill her."

"Hank I had to. He was about to pull the trigger." Erin says still shooken up.

"Hey its fine kid I'm just glad your alright." Hank says walking over to her placing a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"OK everyone head home get some rest. Be back tomorrow at noon to fill out the paperwork.

With that everyone left. Erin and I headed to our car. I drove because Erin was still in shock and was in no position to drive.

When we got home Erin just walked straight to the bathroom. I heard her turn on the shower to get cleaned up.

After a few minutes I go to the door to make sure she is alright in there.

"Erin are you alright in there?" I ask. No answer.

I try the doorknob and she left it unlocked. She never does that if she doesn't want me in there. So I walk in and see Erin just standing in the shower. She isn't moving just letting the water run over her.

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