Chapter 15

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So Erin and Jay have been dating for about 3 months now.

Is the story moving too slow, too fast? Is there not enough scenes at the district? Not enough scenes of them at home? Is it repetitive at all? Just looking for some input on how to improve and what you want to see kore or less of. There will be a time jump in the next chapter of a few months and lots of linstead scenes for a couple chapters.

Erin's pov

I wake up this morning in the arms of the man that I love. I start to stir a little and I can feel jays arm tighten a bit around my shoulder.

"Goodmorning my love." I hear him whisper right beside my ear.

"Do you know how much I love waking up like this." I say turning to look him in the eye.

"Oh ya. Well I had a lot of fun this weekend." He says kissing me on the forehead.

"Ya so did I." I respond.

We sit there for a minute just looking in each others eyes. But then Jay leans in and closes the gap between us. Our lips connect and it's instantly heated. He places his hand on my cheek pulling my face closer. He then places his hand on my hip and pulls me on top of him. I let out a small chuckle and stop kissing him. He moves to kissing up and down my neck.

"Jay you know I would love to stay here all day with you but work." I whisper in his ear.

"Ya i guess." He responded.

So we end our little moment and get up and get ready for work. I head into the kitchen and get a cup of coffee.

"Hey Jay we better hurry up shift starts in 20 minutes." I yell pouring him a cup too.

"Ya well you better come get dresses." He responds from the bedroom.

So I put the coffees down and go to get dressed. I put on my red leather jacket and a black t-shirt with some dark jeans. Jay has on his black leather jacket some jeans and a faded red shirt.

When we are all dressed we grab our coffees and jump in the car. We pull up to the district at 7:59. We walk in and are greeted by Platt.

"Hey you lovebirds are almost late." Platt yells.

"Yes but we aren't Platt." Jay throws back.

"Ya. Hey have a nice day Erin." She says.

So we walk up to the bullpen.

"What is it with you and Platt? She like loves you." Jay asks

"I don't know. And she doesn't love me." I respond

"Yes she does. Remember when we had to get the new ID pictures? And then just now. She is only ever nice to you. She makes fun of everyone else."

"I don't know maybe she just likes me because I don't spend my days messing around with her." I joke.

We walk in and everyone else is already there. We go to our desks right away. Ruzek was about say something good about us almost being late when hank walked out of his office telling us that as of right now we had no case but to get the paperwork from Fridays case. So we all get started on doing that.

So we sit down at our desks and finish the paperwork. It was hard. It was still fresh in my mind but it could have been me. I could have been hurt. Jay could have been hurt. It took us all almost the whole day to finish the paperwork. We got off today at 5 unless we caught a case but it wasn't looking like it yet. At 4:15 Jay got a call and went into the break room to take it. About 5 minutes later he walks out and looks at me.

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