Chapter 21

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"Spit it out Halstead what do you want?"

"I want your permission to ask Erin to marry me."

Jay's pov

"You what" Hank yelled looking up from his desk.

"I said I want..."

"Ya ya i heard you. Sorry I didn't mean to yell."

"I know we haven't even been dating for 10 months but she is the one I love and we have known each other for a while now."

"Jay you don't need to explain. I over reacted a bit I just didn't think I was going to hear that. Yes Jay you can ask Erin to marry you."


"Ya i see how she is around you. You make each other happy. You guys have followed my rules and I can respect that. You are what she needs in her life and if you guys are ready to take that next step i am perfectly fine with that."

"Wow thank you hank. That means alot. And I know it will mean alot to Erin too." I say as I stand up shaking his hand.

With that i walk out of hanks office and walk down to the car where Erin was waiting for me so we could go home.

I get into the passenger seat and we head home.

"What took you so long?" Erin asked as we pull out.

"Oh nothing I just had to ask hank a question."

"Oh ya what was it?"

"None of you business"

"Oh so your not going to tell me?"


"Alright then" She said as we pulled into our parking spot at our apartment.

Erin got out of the car and walked right up to the door and walked into the apartment.

I walk in after her a little surprised.

"Er where did you go." I yell walking into the apartment looking for her. I find her in the kitchen.

"So what your going to ignore me now" As I say this she nods her head yes.

"Come on. Ok I will tell you this, it's a surprise for you." That got her attention.

"What is it?" She asks.

"You will find out soon enough. What do you want to eat?" I say looking in the fridge for something.

"How about just the leftover pasta from last night?"

"Sure" I say as I grab it out of the fridge.

It was already starting to get late so we ate supper while sitting in the couch watching a movie. Before the movie was over Erin fell asleep and I was close to it as well. So I picked Erin up off the couch and brought her into the bedroom and lay her down and then slide in beside her and we fall asleep.

I woke up this morning to Erin still asleep beside me. So I decided to get out of bed and get our coffee ready. It was 7:15 and we had to be at work for 8 so we would just stop somewhere to pick up breakfast.

As I am getting the coffee ready I feel two arms wrap around my waist.

"Why didn't you wake me up? We don't have long to get to work." She says in her raspy morning voice.

"I thought I would let you sleep a bit more. I made coffee and we can stop at Starbucks or something for breakfast. So all we need to do is get dressed."

Where We Want To Be. A LINSTEAD StoryWhere stories live. Discover now