Sammy Is Sick

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Marks view
Jack and I dozed off peacefully in bed. Sammy had been a handful today and we were exhausted.

Suddenly, I heard the crying of Sammy. I waited a minute or two. In an article, it said to wait a minute because sometimes Sammy would just cry.

She kept crying so I got up. She was probably hungry. Jack stirred in his sleep and lifted his head. I murmured for him to go back to sleep. He obeyed.

As soon as I walked into the nursery I knew something was wrong. You know the newborn baby cries, that break your heart? She was crying just like that. Sammy never cried like that...

I reached into her crib and carefully picked her up. She howled louder. I flinched. Usually being picked up calmed her down, not make her cry louder. She didn't have a dirty diaper and didn't want a bottle.

I called to Jack "Jack?! Somethings wrong with Sammy!" In no less that 15 seconds he raced in and scopped up Sammy "You tried everything?" I nodded.

He placed his palm on Sammy's forehead. He sighed "She's sick." Sammy let out an awful cough that broke my heart. Jack took off Sammy's onesie and put her back in the crib.

"I'll take Sammy to the doctor and you can go to school tomorrow." Once again I nodded. Jack stayed with Sammy in the nursery. Hopefully she could get some sleep.

Jacks view
It was the next day. I had to take poor sick lil Sammy to the doctor. I was really worried because she was so tiny. Mark headed off to school. He made me promise to tell him what was wrong with Sammy, even if he was in class.

I put Sammy in her car seat. She whimpered, not wanting to be alone. I gave her a pacifier. We got to the doctors and we sat in the waiting room.

The other moms smiled at me, seeing I was trying to calm a fussy Sam. A nurse walked out "Samantha Septiceye Fischbach?"

I stand up and follow the nurse. Sammy slobers on my shoulder. We sit in the doctors office and wait. I take off Sammy's clothes, cause she's to small to fit in the smallest baby gown.

Sammy wiggled and squealed. At last doctor Perry walks in. He smiles "Hi Jack! So nice to see you again! My, my Sam, how big you've gotten!"

I tell him what's wrong as he checks Sammy. She kicked and whined, but doesn't cry.

He gently pressed down on Sammy's chest. He shakes his head "Something is off about her breathing." I feel my heart lurch.

He quickly gets results about what's wrong. "Ok. I've figured out what's wrong. She has Pneumonia." My mouth drops open.

"I can give you a prescription, actually, I can send it to your finances phone because if he can, I want you to take Sammy straight home and take care of her."

I finally find my voice "Is she gonna be ok?" Doctor Perry looks uncertain "We'll need to see how she is in a couple of weeks. She going to be doing a lot of coughing and probably no sleep. Is she wants to nap somewhere, I suggest you let her."

Sammy coos in my arms. I don't want my precious baby sick. He clears his throat "The only problem is how little she is. But she has a good immune system, she'll be okay."

He smiles. I faintly smile back. I say goodbye to Doctor Perry and leave. As soon as I put Sammy in her car seat, she feel asleep. I stroked her soft brown hair.

I decide to call Mark. He would have a free period now anyways. I tapped in his phone number. It rang twice, then he picked up "Helllo?" "Hey Mark." "Oh, hi Jack! Hows Sammy?" "Well...she has Pneumonia." "What? That's awful! The prescription was sent to my phone. I'll pick it up-fuck off!!"

It took me a second to realise he's talking to someone else. I open my mouth to say something but I hear the sound of his phone hitting the ground. The last thing I hear before his phone turns off is FIGHT!FIGHT!FIGHT!

I hope he's ok. He better not be in a fight. I sigh and get out bandages. I hear Sammy fuss in the living room and I hurry in. I sit her up so she can breath better. She wimpers "Aww Sammy, it's ok." She seemed reassured about It.

I hear a knock on the door. Ever since... the incident I always answer the door with a knife in hand. I open it. Mark smiles back at me.

Mark's view
He gasps when he see me. I know I have a black eye and a busted lip "Mark, what happened?" I sighs "Fight... I don't wanna talk about it." Now it's his turn to sigh "Ok. But your telling me later. Let's get you fixed up."

He takes my hand and gently pulls me. As he leads me into the bathroom, I get a glimpse of Sammy. She's laying on the rug. She was very pale but she had bright eyes cheeks. She seemed to be struggling to breath, her tiny moving up and down rapidly, her eyes shut tight against the pain.

Suddenly I didn't want to be cared for "Jack, I'm fine. You should be focusing on Sammy..." Jack raises an eyebrow "You dummy, you got in a fight. Sammy's sleeping now anyways. I'm not supposed to wake her."

He quickly cared for me. After he gave me an ice pack. I walk into the living room and sit next to Sammy. I gently poke her in the belly,as I always. "Hey Sambug..." I whisper quietly. Her eyelids flutter open.

She makes a small noise when she sees me. Then she breaks into harsh coughing. Afterward she cries a bit. I pick her up. She snuggles in my arm.

It's getting late so I put her in her crib. As I go to leave she whimpers softly. I sigh, knowing she wasn't gonna let me leave.

I decide to stay with Sammy because Jack was already asleep. I pull up the rocking chair and rested my head on her crib. She coos at me.

I put my finger in and she grabs it, squealing. Then she rubs her eyes and yawns. She looks at me with her special eyes.

Finally, she goes to sleep. I don't want to leave, but I know I should. She coughs a little bit. I kiss her forehead "Night, Sambug..." I could swear she smiled at me.


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