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**Marks point of view
''Markkkk!!!!'' ''WHAT!'' ''HURRY UP,YOU'LL BE LATE TO SCHOOL." Mark rolled out of bed. He suppressed a sign and runs a hand though his hair.

He quickly puts on a flannel shirt and khakis and sprinted downstairs.

''Hi mom'' His mother swoops him in a hug. ''I'm so proud of you! High school already'' She cries. ''HRGH!! Mark gasps "mom...too..tight!! She laughed and scruffs his hair. ''Ok,OK!Now run along to school. I love you!'' ''Love you too mom!'' Mark runs out the door.

He can't stop thinking about some one. His name was Jack. At the supermarket,he had seen a boy.

He heard the boy talking to his mom. ''Mom,Did we really have to move? Now I have to go to...what was it? Academici High?" Mark went to the same school,Academi High''

Mark ran faster,thinking about him. He was so...cute. Mark had never though of a boy as ''cute'' but..the boy made his heart race. The boys name...Jack was what he heard.

He ran so fast that when he turned around...he was about to crash into someone!

Mark gasped and crashed straight into.......Jack

Septiplier Mpreg: Love At First SightWhere stories live. Discover now