Sick and homeless

302 11 7

Song:Youth by Daughter

When I woke up, I felt sick. Morning sickness. I struggled to sit up. As my vision cleared I saw Mark in the doorway, biteing his lip. I felt sick and after last night, not happy. But I had to talk to Mark. Mark looked at me "can we please talk Jack?"

"No! Not now. Please" Awful pain washed over him. He jumped up and ran to the bathroom. He began to throw up. But streaks of blood mixed in. Not normal. Jack put his head in his hands. "God, please no. Not now" More awful stomach pain. He groaned.

Mark stood in the door. Jack stood up and grew dizzy. He grabbed the sink for support. "Are you ok?" Marks voice was flat. Jack glared at him. "Not like you'd care!" He felt horrible. He had to get back to his bed. He tried to take a step, but blinding pain caused him to knel over, groaning in pain. Mark ran to pick him up, but Jack was done. "DON'T FUKIN TOUCH ME MARK!" The pain brought tears to his eyes. Mark glared at him. "I was only trying to help..."

"HELP? BY FUCKING YOUR EX?" Mark's glare intensified "I was drunk." Jack ignored the pain and stood up. "AND I TOLD YOU NOT TO! MARK,I'M A MONTH AND A HALF PREGNANT!WITH YOUR BABY!" The shouting made the pain worse. Mark snapped. He leaned close to Jack and screamed "I DIDN'T EVEN WANT THIS FUCKIN BABY!"

Jack felt like he'd been slapped. Mark continued screaming at Jack "I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR A BABY!OR LISTEN TO YOU BITCH AND COMPLAIN!"

Now Jack was angry. He began to yell at Mark again. He got more and more angry. He slapped Mark straight across the face. Now Mark was mad. He grabbed Jack wrist and wouldn't let go. He squeezed it harder. Jack yellped. "LET ME GO YOU SICK FUCK!" Jack heard cracking.

*Felix pov
Something was wrong with Jack when he got home. I don't know what, but something. Bob drove Mark and Cry home. I heard Mark got yelled at pretty bad. And Amy was kicked out. Mark sobered up quick. He said he was gonna try to talk Jack this morning. I heard yelling. Jack was yelling. Then Mark. Then silence. Then the sound of a slap. And now Jack screaming in pain. I ran in. Mark gripped Jack by the wrist. Jack was screeching. I ran in and broke them up. Jack backed away. He was crying. But worse than last night. He had fear in his eyes. Mark was silent. I glanced at them "What happened?" Mark growled "This little fucker slapped me" Jack was trembling. Something was wrong with him. Blood slowly leaked out of a corner of his mouth.  His eyes filled with tears. "H-he said he never wanted the baby..."

I stared at Mark. That was the worst thing to say to Jack. He was staring at the blood at Jack's mouth. "Jac-" "NO! I'M DONE WITH YOU NOT CAREING. I'M LEAVING!" Mark's eyes widened. "Jack, please don't leave..." Jack glared at him Mark growled.Jack turned and went out the door. Mark tried to run after him. He stopped and screamed at Jack "GOOD RIDDANCE."

*Jacks pov
I cried as I left. Walking away. The pain intensified. I wanted to scream. I wanted Mark.

I heard him calling for me. But I ignored him. Night was approaching quickly. I gasped as a snowflake hit my nose. It was snowing! The first time this year. But here's the problem. I'm pregnant. I'm alone. I'm in only a thin shirt and old sweatshirt. I was freezing. The pain was worse. The sky was dark. I wanted to die.

I found an empty alley. I curled up in a ball. My baby was safe at least. I hoped I would make it through the night. I could feel the temperature drop and the ground felt unbearable. The snow was falling very heavy now.The pain was dull now, even worse. I looked at my stomach and whispered "I promise. You will always be safe... even on a night like tonight, you'll be safe. My little baby,I love you"

As if in response he felt a kick. He gasped. It was early. The baby was supposed to kick at four months. "Well well well, your early one" he whispered. His vision was blurring. He felt another small kick. He could barley feel it. But he knew it was a kick. As he curled up tighter, he put a hand on his stomach. He smiled as everything blackened.

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