Everyday A Little Death...

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I held my baby. He wasn't breathing or moving. Tears pricked my eye. The doctor's told me he would die. I didn't listen. I didn't want to listen

Tears fell faster down my face. I held my dying baby close to my chest. It wasn't fair... I though I would be that one special person like in movies, who gets bad news but it never happens

Mark put a hand a my shoulder "Jack..." I looked at him. He was crying to.

The doctor and nurses were trying not to sob. It wasn't fair he'd he had gotten sick. I wish it was me.

I looked slowly at my baby's face. His name... what was it... My mind whirled

"When will I get a new buther or siser?" Sammy sat next to me, head resting on my large stomach. I was so glad she was excited. Mark walked over and sat next to me. He smiled at Sammy "Soon, sweetheart." She huffed "Tat's furever Papa!" I laughed. It feels like forever.

I was kinda sick,but I didn't care. I realised we hadn't come up with a name "Sammy? What should we name your new brother or sister?" She picked up her Tim plushie on the floor "Tim" I liked that name "What if it's a girl?" She scoffed "It'll be a boy"

I didn't doubt her. She always...knew. One time she had said my mother was coming over at 6:48. I didn't believe her, but sure enough at 6:48 my mom showed up. Another time we had gone to the park. She pointed at Stephano, Felix and Crys son,who was running ahead. She said he'd trip when he reached a specific pebble on the ground. Sure enough, he tripped...

End of flashback

Tim... his name was Tim. I was sobbing. Suddenly he opened his eyes. Only halfway. They were my color blue. 

I was lying in bed, just finished pucking. I had been very very sick, I couldn't keep anything down. Sammy walked in,looking sad

"Daddy? Something bad is going to happen to Tim." Did she know? I wasn't sure. But I didn't want to believe her "N-No, Sammy. Tim's gonna be all right-" She cut me off "No! Something terrible is gonna happen!"

Anger flared in her blue and brown eyes "Just wait! His eyes are blue!" With that she stormed out. I wanted to yell back at her but started throwing up.

End of flashback

No. No on no. She was right. Tim was going to die. Almost as soon as he opened them they closed. He began gasping for air. Tears filled my eyes. I remembered something.

I was a month overdue. I was sick. Mark was at work more to pay for doctor bills. I had to go to the doctor's almost every week. They said it was really bad I was a month overdue. I was getting dizzy spells. I could barely get out of bed. I didn't care for me, I was worried about my unborn child. The doctor said he wouldn't make it...

Then Tim was still. When I realised he was dead. I froze in fear. Mark turned away. While I was frozen the nurse took him from me. She took my baby! I let out a wail of grief.

I tried to get up. Panic took hold, my heart monitor going crazy "MY BABY, I WANT MY BABY!" Several doctors held me down. Tears streamed down my face and soaked my gown.

Suddenly I felt someone take my hand. In my confusion I stopped and looked at him. Mark was sitting in the chair. He was crying, but only tears.

He let go of my hand and opened his arms. More tears welled in my eyes as I leaned into them. He whispered softly to me "It's gonna be ok, Sean, every thing's gonna be ok. Maybe not today,but someday..."

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