3: Cold Cash and Hot Water

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I awoke to the sound of someone pounding on the door. I looked up and saw Mr. Venkman running to my bed with a look of fear on his face. I glared at him has he stopped next to me. 

"Natalie you have to help me!" he cried looking at the door. I placed my glasses on my face and looked at him. 

"Why should I help you?" I asked him. It had been about a week since he took the slime from me. 

"Cause that goo of yours is getting bigger and bigger!" I looked at him. 

"Jee, I wish someone had warned you about that. Oh wait, I tried." 

"Please, you have to stop it," he pleaded with me. 

"Just stop feeding it," I told him laying back down. Then a shacking made me sit back up. I looked at the others, and they were getting out of bed. "What is it?" I asked Egon who looked at his meter. 

"It's ectoplasma, but not a ghost," he answered. 

"How can that happen?" Ray asked him, and I thought. I looked back at Peter's dad. 

"How big did it get?" I asked. He pointed at the window. We all looked outside, and saw a huge mass of green slime eating a building. 

"Damn," I heard Winston say. 

"What have you done?" Peter asked him, anger in his voice. I didn't blame him. "That thing will destroy New York." 

"Hey, at least it will stop," Mr. Venkman told him, but I walked over. 

"No, it won't," I said, and everyone looked at me. 

"Nat, what do you mean?" Winston asked. 

"I mean it will eat its way through New York, then it will got to New Jersey, Canada, the entire United States. It won't stop till all of North America is gone. But that won't stop it. It will travel the entire world, eating everything it can. All wood and metal gone, and, in terms of it, live. That is what your dad has done Peter." 

"Can't you stop it?" Ray asked me. "Won't the traps and proton packs work?" 

"No," Egon said. I'm glad I showed him the notes right then. "The traps won't hold it. It would just eat them. The best answer is to shrink it back to a size that we can hold it." 

"How do we do that?" Peter asked. Egon looked at me. I was thinking. If it was made of certain chemicals, and it ate wood and metal, then... 

"I'll need time and help," I answered looking at them. "Peter, Ray, Winston, go stall the thing. The streams won't hurt it, but they will slow it down. Egon, you stay here and help me get whatever done." 

"Yes ma'am," Peter said looking at me with a smile. I walked into the lab hoping this was going to work. 

*Peter's pov* 

"Alright, so what are we going to do?" I asked the others. Ray looked at me with a smile. 

"We're going to shoot it until Natalie and Egon get down," he answered and fired at the thing. It cried at in shock, but still moved, though it was slower than before. Winston fried a blast at it, and it slowed the slime even more. I did the same, and it was the slowest it could do. We kept firing, but the thing was pushing us back. We couldn't hold it forever, and I looked up at the firehouse. 

"The two twins in there better hurry," Ray spoke up. 

"Why?" Winston asked. 

"If that thing gets to the firehouse, the contaminate unit will be eaten also. I don't know if this thing will hold ghost or not, but I would rather not find out!" he answered. 

"Great," I sighed. "Not only do we have a giant mess to clean up, but a million ghost might be released." 

"All of them angry at us too," Winston put in. 

"Thank you Winston for that nice thought," Ray told him. We kept blasting, but it was no good. It was soon over top of us, and we had to run to save our butts. We looked at each other, and then cried for joy when Egon ran over to us. 

"Are you guys okay?" he asked us, and I gave him the thumbs up. I saw Natalie holding a strange pack, but inside was a blue slime like substance. I watched her spray the thing with it, and then looked over at us. 

"Not to be bossy, but I kind of need you guys to blast it!" she told us, and we didn't argue. We all blasted it, and slowly the slime shrunk. Natalie walked over to it and placed it in a small glass jar and placed a plastic lid on it. I walked over and patted her back. 

"Natalie Spengler, you are a guinse!" I told her. She smiled at me. 

"You did do a good job Nat," Egon told her. Then Dad walked over with a smiled on his face. She glared at him. 

"Nice job boys, girl, but I really must be going," he said walking away. Natalie grabbed his shirt and pulled him over to her. 

"Isn't there something you would like to say to me?" she asked him, and he thought about it. 

"Not that I know of," he answered. 

"Dad!" I cried and he looked at me. 

"Oh, right, sorry," he said with a smile. He walked away and we just watched. 

"He really is a good guy," I sighed. "I just wish he didn't have to drive everyone mad!" 

"At least we got this little guy back," Natalie told me. I looked at it, but it was still nasty. 

"Hey, what did you use to shrink it anyway?" Ray asked her, and she looked at Egon with a smile on her face. He nodded at her, and she looked at us. 

"Do you really want to know?" she asked him, and he nodded. 

"What was it?" Winston asked. 

"Random things we found around the firehouse," she answered walking away. Egon followed. 

"Wait a minute," I said thinking about it. "You didn't know if it would work?" 

"Not at all," Egon called back walking in. The rest of us looked at each other and laughed. 

"The Spenglers are just filled with mad scientist, aren't they?" I asked, and the others agreed. 

Hehe, so how was that? I named this one after the other episode with Peter's dad in it. He really is a good guy, but he can't make an honest buck. Well, that's what I heard any way. Also let me say that I have no idea what the next chapter will be, so bare with me. Unlike the other book, I have to sit down and think about each different thing has where in the other there was like, two that didn't go with the plot. So keep looking for, I'll figure it out. Hey, maybe tell me a plot that you want to see, and I might write it. Give you a dedication if I do it. So, something on the side, I don't know what I put there. Peace out my Stars! 

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