36: The Ghost of Wells Manor

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  • Dedicated to Harold Ramis

*Ray's pov* 

"Any readings?" Winston asked me. We've been looking around the manor for a good two hours. We went up the the second floor, but there were no reading up there, and no signs of Egon or Natalie. we checked the whole house, but the ghost were not there, and the Spengler's weren't there either. 

"No," I sighed. "We can't find a ghost and we can't find the Spengler twins." 

"They have to be somewhere," Peter said. "It's not like they-" 

"Wait," I said when the meter started to go off. "There is something over there." 

We all watched has something come from the black hallway. It was tall, but that was all I could see of it. It stood in the hallway just looking at us, like it was trying to think of what to do. I thought that it might be a ghost, or maybe it was Egon and Natalie just messing with us. 

"Egon?" I asked it. "Is that you?" There was no answer. 

"Natalie?" Peter asked. "If that is you, this isn't funny. Come on out!" 

The thing placed one hand in the light. It was covered in green goo, and then the whole thing come out. It was a monster made of ectoplasma, and it didn't seem to be able to speak. Then two more appeared behind it, and all three of them moved forward towards us. 

"What is that thing?" Winston asked me. 

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out!" I yelled running away. Peter and Winston followed, and we ran out of the door. It seemed like the things could run, but they couldn't leave the house. We sat next to Ecto and I looked inside to see if Egon or Natalie was in there. They weren't. That was when I remembered they were still in the house. 

"Oh no," Peter said after seeing my face. "Egon and Natalie are inside, aren't they?" 

"Afraid so," I answered. "They are in there and they are now trapped with slime monsters." 

"What are those things?" Winston asked me and I took out Tobain's spirit guide. 

"Says here they are spores of the ghost know has Donanja. Donanja is a ghost that has been living on this land since the begging of time. Whoever buys the land has the protection of Donanja. If someone comes in and tries to either steal something or harm the people, Donanja will carry them to it's lair and trap their souls in a human like mold of it's goo, and the body will be placed on the ceiling in a protective case of slime. Donanja doesn't kill them, just simply places them under his control. So far it says he has had to trap ten people." 

"Make that twelve," Peter said pointing. A whole group was now at the door watching us. I counted twelve in all, and the truth hit me has I looked at all of them. 

"Donanja took Egon and Natalie," I said watching the things move. The two I picked out did move like our friends, and the way they looked at us made it seem that they knew us and didn't want to attack us if they had too. 

"No one takes my friends and traps their souls in those things," Peter cried, maybe so Donanja could hear him. He raised his wand and was about to blast when I stopped him. "What is it Ray?" 

"We don't know what will happen if we hit the things," I told him. "We might make it impossible for Egon and Natalie to get their souls back." 

"So what do we do?" Winston asked me. 

"I think we find Donanja and try to clear Egon and Natalie's name," I answered. "It probably thought that with the packs they were going to steal and harm Ruby Wells. So we should just take our packs off and try to get Donanja to come out." 

"You do that," Peter said watching me. 

"Donanja!" I called, my pack off. I was looking at the house and the creatures. "I need to speak to you about the souls of Egon and Natalie Spengler! You have taken them under false reasons, since they were only doing what Ruby Wells herself asked them to do. They didn't mean anything by coming into this house, and you should let them be free!" 

"You want your friends?" I heard a deep voice ask. Two of the creatures started to shack, and a dark green ghost flew into the sky. It had big yellow eyes, and looked like a fat squid. The two spores that were shacking had something fly out of them and into Donanja's hand. He shoved them into two glass jars and let them fall. I caught one and Peter the other. Inside the one I was holding was a swirling pink smoke that seemed to be alive. In Peter's was a purple smoke that was similar to the one I had. It was Egon's and Natalie's soul. "There they are." 

"This isn't our friends!" Peter cried shacking the jar, and a faint cry of shock came from it. It was Natalie's voice. We all gasped hearing it. 

"It's their souls," Donanja laughed. "I don't give people the bodies unless they find them and defeat me." 

"That's not fair!" I cried. 

"I know it is not, but they are the rules. Now I must go. Enjoy the company of your friends!" Donanja laughed and disappeared. I looked at the jar in my hand and shock it. Egon's cry of pain sounded out. 

"Would you quite that Ray?" Egon asked, making me want to drop the jar. I didn't though. 

"Sure," I said and Egon sighed. 

"Are you both okay?" Winston asked sitting both the jar's on Ecto's roof. 

"Our souls are trapped in jars Winston," Natalie told him. "Do you think we are okay?" 

"I don't know," Winston admitted. Natalie sighed. 

"I'm fine, but I do want my body back." 

"I would like mine also," Egon sighed. "I don't believe that souls can stay out of anybody, the right one or not, without it becoming permanent. My guess is an hour or two." 

"Great," Peter mumbled. "We have an hour to find Egon and Natalie's body or we can't put your souls back?" 


"Great," Natalie grumbled. "I would get looking if I where you guys." 

"Don't you remember where you were sent?" I asked them. 

"I remember Natalie calling me an idiot," Egon answered. 

"You got us caught is what I remembered," Nat snapped at him. "There was a trap door on the second floor. That ghost- Donanja I think- dropped us in it. The next thing is that I'm talking to you all cause my soul is in a jar." 

"Do you remember where on the second floor?" I asked. 

"No, I couldn't see where we were. I'm sorry." 

"Neither can I," Egon put in. I sighed and picked up the jars, making the twins gasp in surprise. I placed them in the glove compartment. 

"Ray, what are you doing?" Natalie asked and I looked down at the two. 

"In case something happens," I answered. "I don't want Donanja to come back and take you guys again. So I'm hiding you in Ecto 1's glove compartment." 

"I'm sure you both can keep each other company," Peter said closing the door and I could barely hear the two protesting to let them out. I smiled at the others. 

"Let's go save some twins." 

I really am mean, aren't I? So I think I have totally trapped Egon and Natalie again. I feel like a jerk, haha. Let me know what you think, and I have to go to the doctors now! Stupid sickness -_- Peace out my Stars! 

P.S.- This chapter goes out to the man who played Egon Spengler and has passed away. R.I.P Harold, you will be missed. 

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