16: Look Homeward, Ray

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"Natalie, don't you think this is the best tie to wear?" Ray asked me. I looked up from what I was doing- working- and saw the worst tie I have ever seen. It was a tie died tie, and I looked around the room. I saw a nice, plan green tie and I picked it up. I took off the awful tie and placed that on him. I smiled. 

"Yep," I answered and went back to my star map. I saw Ray sit down and rub his head. I sighed and walked over and sat beside him. I have no idea where the others are, just so you know. "What's the matter Ray?" 

"I just want to look good for her," he answered. 

"Look good for who?" 

"Ellen Famish." 

"Your old crush from the town you grew up in?" 

"How did you-" 

"You told me Ray. You told me. Why do you want to look good for Ellen? Are you going to your home town?" 

"No, she is coming here. I don't know if I'm ready for her. I can't do it Nat, I just can't do it!" 

"Of course you can!" I told him standing up so he could see me. "If she is willing to come to see you, than she must like you." 

"I don't know Natalie, I just don't think I have the right stuff for her." 

"For who?" Peter asked walking into the room. Great, this should be good. 


"Oh, does Ray have a date?" Peter asked him smiling. 

"I do," Ray answered. 

"You what?" Winston asked followed by Egon. 

"Is everyone in great need to come in here?" I asked them. 

"No," Egon answered. 

"Ray has a date with Ellen," Venkman told them. 

"Isn't that sweet?" Zeddemore said smiling. 

"Not really," Stanz said looking at his hands. "I'm worried that she won't like me after tonight." 

"Not if you know how to do it," Peter said with a smile. He pushed me out of my standing spot and I glared at him. "All you have to do is make her like you. Talk about how she is feeling, about sappy stuff like that." 

"That is the worst evince ever," Winston exclaimed walking over. "Ray just needs to listen to her." 

"I say my way is better," Peter grumbled making me laugh. 

"And you wonder why no gal wants to date you," I told him walking over. "Ray, don't listen to those two. Just be yourself and she will like what she sees and hears. You're very sweet and kind and anyone would love to have you. I'm sure she will be after you the moment she lays eyes on you." 

"Thank's Nat," he told me standing up and walking to the door. I smile at the other two, seeing Egon had left the room. 

"What was that?" Peter asked me and I smiled. 

"The right thing to do," I answered. 

"Well I don't see many guys using that way to get a girlfriend," he told me. "The only person I know who did that is-" 

"Hi guys," Louis said walking into the room taking my hand. I smile at Peter knowing who he was going to say. 

"And that is why he has a girlfriend and you don't," I said walking out of the room smiling at his upset face. I love being me. 


"So how did it go?" I ask Ray the next morning. He didn't come home until late last night. We were asleep and woke up to him in his bed. So we didn't get any details in the date, well, until now. 

"It was wonderful," Ray told me with a huge smile. "She was just perfect, and you were right!" 

"That's not a surprise to me," I told him looking at Peter who just took a sip of his coffee. I loved being right. 

"You were! In fact she wants to go on another date with me tonight!" 

"That's great Ray. Where are you going?" 

"Just a stroll through the park," he answered and walked down the stairs. 

"It's nice to see Ray happy," Egon observed. 

"Isn't it though?" I asked standing up taking all the plates and stuff off the table. Then I heard a knock on the door and someone answer it. Then Ray come into the room with a smile on his face. 

"Yes Ray?" Peter asked looking up from his paper. 

"Do you guys want to say hi to Ellen before we go?" he asked and we agreed. We walked down and I saw a woman with blond hair sitting in a chair. He skin was a very tan color, and her eyes were brown. This was Ellen, I thought. She is very pretty. I saw the others look at each other, and look back at her. 

"Say hi guys," he said looking at us. We said hi. Ellen waved. 

"It's nice to see all of you again," she said and stood up. I was thinking something was off by now. For one thing the others looked at her very funny, and second she should have know that I wasn't one of the people she meant before. Her and Ray walked out of the firehouse and I looked at the guys. 

"Okay, so what's wrong?" I asked them. They looked at each other and then back at me. 

"That wasn't Ellen," Egon answered. 

Oh snap! If you look, you will see this is, once again, named after an episode of NB. I also wanted to give you the name I was thinking about for the BJ fanfic. Here it is: Forever Isn't Real. Do you guys think it is a good one? I mean you are the ones reading it, so you probably have to like the title. Or do you? I'm probably going to stick to it unless I come up with a better one. I'll make a cover and post the first chapter sometime next month, maybe. Don't hold me to that. What Ellen is supposed to look like on the side. Peace out my Stars! 

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