21: The Boogieman is Back!

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"So how do we get Egon back?" I ask them while we drive in Ecto 1. I don't know where we are going, but it better help me save Egon. 

"A place where the Boogieman's portal can be reached," Ray told me. He was working with something, but I didn't see what it was. 

"Where is that?" 

"An old apartment that we had rent on," Winston answered. 

"Well okay then. Are we sure we can save Egon?" 

"Pretty sure," Peter answered. "Alright, we are here." 

"Then let's go save Egon," Ray said getting out. "We're going to need fear if we want to get the Boogieman to come to us. He is still weak from his time in the Unit and will need fear to have his power again. If he wants to hurt Egon, he will need his power. That's why he scared Natalie, to get fear. So all we have to do is have one of us acted scared, and he will come." 

"Won't he know if there is no fear or not?" Winston asked and Ray held up the thing he was working on. 

"This will give off the feeling you get when afraid. It isn't the fear he wants, so it won't fuel him. Yet it will trick him into coming out of his dimension to come here, and we can go in and save Egon, then stop the Boogieman." 

"So who is going to acted scared?" I asked, then the guys looked at me. "Me?" 

"The Boogieman seems to have something against you," Peter said with a smile. "He doesn't seem to like you, so gathering your fear will be too tempting for him. It's one of the reasons he come back was because Egon was so afraid."  

"Why is he after Egon anyway?" Winston asked as we walked in with the plan in mind. 

"More then likely since Egon was the one who had him trapped both times," Ray answered. "After two times of a man stopping you, you kind of get bitter towards him." 

"Well he better learn to hate someone else," I told them looking at the closet in the room they told me to stand in. "No one messes with my brother and gets away with it." 

"That's the spirit," Ray told me sitting the machine down. "Now act afraid, like you did with that snake." He turned it on, and I acted afraid. I did this for a good ten minutes before the closet door opened. The orange light made me look at it with thought. Then the Boogieman came out with his twisted smile. He looked at me, and the others charged in with their packs, mine already on. 

"Freeze right there Boogieman!" I told him, and he smiled. 

"It would be foolish to attack me when I have your brother," he told me, and I smiled. 

"Here's the thing, Boogie, I don't like it when people mess with Egon. It ticks me off, so I'm going to say this once. Give me back my brother!" 

"You'll have to catch me first!" he cried and ran into the closet. I ran after him and jumped into the portal with the others. I looked around and then at them. 

"Where are we?" I asked. 

"The place where Boogieman goes to visit so many closets," Ray answered looking around. "He would keep Egon close to his throne, so we have to find that." 

"So lead the way," I told him and he walked forward. We followed him for a while. I saw closets from all over the world has we walked. I didn't see a sign of the Boogieman, but then again, he was probably trying to gather fear to do whatever he planed to do to Egon. I wasn't going to let that happen. 

"There!" Winston cried pointing to a giant throne. Sitting there tied in what looked like plastic snakes was Egon. He was fitting to get out, and didn't see us. I smiled and we ran over to him. 

"You okay?" I asked him as Ray and Peter got the things to let him go. He stood up and nodded. 

"I am now," he answered. Then a laugh made us look up and see the Boogieman follow down in front of us. He glared at Egon and then looked at the rest of us. 

"This is between me and Egon Spengler!" the Boogieman cried and then charged. I threw my beam at him and he backed up, making me smile. 

"Something you should know about me," I told him as Egon grabbed a trap, "I usually get in my brother's fights!" 

"No!" he cried and Egon threw that trap. The Boogieman was sucked into the trap and I smiled. 

"No one messes with my little brother," I said placing my arm around him, making him smile. 

"Thank you," he said and then looked around. "Now let's go home before this place falls on top of us if it comes crashing down." 

"Good idea," Ray said and we ran the way we come. We found the door to our closet at the firehouse and ran through it. I closed the door and didn't look to see what was going on in the world we just come from. I looked up to see the guys welcoming Egon back. 

"Did he hurt you?" I asked holding the trap tightly. 

"He was about to," Egon answered. "Now let me go place him in the Unit." 

"Go right ahead," I said passing him the trap. He walked down the stairs and we sat down when Egon come back up. 

"So Natalie," Winston said with a smile, "do you believe in the Boogieman now?" 

"Maybe," I answered picking up a plate to take to the sink. Then a green snake like thing come out from under it, making me gasp in surprise. But I knew this trick already. "Nice try Slimer," I said making the spud look at me sadly. 

"What, not afraid of the big bad Slimer?" Peter asked. 

"Not at all," I answered getting a hug from the ghost. He was a pest, but hey, I seem to like pest now a days. 

Yay, Egon is alright! On the side you can see a video about when they first had to meet the Boogieman. This is named after the second episode with the Boogieman in it. But they spelled it Boogyman in that one. I don't know why. You can also see a picture I found that I found very funny. Also you should know that there was a third moment that the Ghostbusters had to face the Boogieman. It was in the comics that NOW! did. The Boogieman broke out with another ghost, I forget which one, and decided to get revenge on Egon. So he attacked a kid, and in the kids blood wrote Revenge Egon Spengler, revenge. Yes it was blood since the Boogieman isn't a ghost, so he can't make ectoplasma. Anyway the kid was sent to the hospital and the Boogieman went to finish the kid off, only to be stopped by Egon, who punched him in the stomach and trapped him. Don't mess with Egon. Haha, this is really long. Peace out my Stars! 

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