32: What Happened?

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We were once again sitting around the tired Egon. He still felt awful and his skin was cold like ice again when I woke up. I feed him some more warm foods and liquids, and he gratefully took them. I was taking full care of Egon, and everyone else was helping. Egon just smiled at us and shock his head. 

"You don't have to waste all your time taking care of me," he told me, taking my hand in his own. I was feeling colder today also, but I think it was just the fact that Ligen's home was much colder than our home, making our skin getting back to normal. Yet Egon actually went inside the dimension, and I didn't. 

"Yes I do," I said trying to put warmth back into his hand. He sighed. 

"You know I don't like being fussed over." 

"Then you shouldn't have gotten us for friends," Peter said putting his hand on Egon's. Then in a joke he hugged Egon. "We care too much about you!" he cried laughing. Egon fixed his glasses, and we laughed. "Now all joking aside," Peter said, getting his serious face on, "how are you feeling?" 

"I feel fine," Egon answered looking at his hands. He was lying. 

"No you are not fine," Winston said looking at him. He sighed. 

"I'd rather not talk about it," Egon said. I was about to push on, but Janine, who left to answer the phone called up telling the guys they had a call. They wouldn't let me go, and Louis told me that he had to go do some things for work, has did Janine. I said okay, and Egon looked window. I took his hand and he looked up at me. 

"Now what is wrong?" I asked him, only the two of us in the room. "And don't say you don't want to talk about it, cause I need to know." 

"Do you really want me to tell me?" Egon asked. 


"Fine," he said, getting a look of panic on his face. "For one thing the whole place was filled with demons and ghost. Since I look so much like you, they tried to attack me, and if it hadn't been for Ligen, I would be dead. That wasn't the worst part though. There was a dark sphere somewhere in there. He threw me in, and I saw so many things." 

Egon closed his eyes in fear, trying to wipe the memories of what he saw. The force he closed them with made tears form at his eyes. He held my hand so tight that his knuckles where white and mine were red. I just looked at him, wondering if he was going to say anything else, and when it looked like he wasn't, I was about to say something. He cut me off. 

"I saw evil things," he muttered like a child trying to get a nightmare out to his parents. "I saw you." 

"Me?" I asked, not wanting to raise my voice. He didn't open his eyes at all. 

"Ligen was doing so many things to you. It was like he pressed a  rewind button on my life and showed me all the ways you could have died. At birth, when you were with the snake, the broken arm, that baseball game. It was terrible. I just couldn't think about it." 

His grip become tighter, and his eyes were shut so tight that I think the tears were trying to fight their way out. I thought about the place I could die. I could have been a still born. That snake could have been poisonous since we had a few in Ohio. That could have been my head that was busted open instead of my arm. The baseball bat could have hit my head instead of my rips. When I was seven, I played baseball with a few of my friends. Egon was reading, and Mom and Dad were talking with the other parents. When one of my friends went to swing the bat, they hit me in the side since I was trying to catch the strike balls. I had three broken rips, and it was Egon who got Dad who carried me to the car. I usually had someone to help me, but I could see that all of the events in my life could have killed me if just one little thing was changed. Yet I was lucky and they didn't. 

"Oh Egon," I said playing with his curl. He opened his glossy eyes and looked into mine. He looked weak and fragile, like one more hit would completely break him. 

"Don't leave me," he whispered so low I barely heard him. At first I thought he meant don't leave the room and let him be alone. I thought he meant that he didn't want me to leave the room. Then I realized that he didn't want me to ever leave him. He didnt' want me to die. That was what he was scared of, that one day his sister who protected him, who held him when bullies made fun of him, who through out his whole life was always by his side to help out, even if she didn't want to be their, was going to be gone the next moment. I just looked at his blue, begging eyes, and he blinked. "Please." 

"I won't Egon," I told him, and he smiled. He seemed much more calm than he was seconds ago. He closed his eyes and his breathing slowed to a sleeping state, and I just looked at him. 

I wasn't going to leave him, not if I could help it. I didn't realize how important I was in Egon's life, or how important he was in mine. I guess that growing up and have almost the same everything made us closer than most people. I still couldn't think of one memory that Egon wasn't at least motioned in. I might not make my parents has proud, or my uncle happy, or anyone in my family, but Egon understood. He told me that even if I wasn't the smartest person in the world he would always love me. 

Made the hero Egon needs is me, and the hero I need his him. 

Okay, I lied, I'm not totally done with the Ligen story line. This or maybe the last chapter will be the last of it. I think I am having too much fun with it! Anyway, I hoped you liked the chapter, took me a long freaking time to figure out what was going to happen. On the side is a sweet picture I found of Egon and Janine (with all the bad fanart :O) and I wanted to share it with y'all. Hope you liked the chapter. Peace out my Stars! 

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