44: Ellis Spengler

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Egon locked himself in the lab for almost two weeks. He only came out for jobs and wouldn't speak to us besides to tell us his plan. No matter how many times I knocked, banged, yelled, Egon wouldn't talk to me. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep, and I was getting worried about him. Something was wrong with my brother, and he wouldn't let me help him. 

I was sitting beside Louis who was trying to calm me down. It wasn't working. 

"Louis," I half sighed half whinnied. "Why won't Egon let me help him?" 

"Maybe he doesn't want to be helped," Louis told me. "I mean he might not see that anything is wrong." 

"He isn't that stupid. My brother is being the idiot he is. For someone so smart I wonder how dumb he can be at times. I just wish that Egon would listen." 

"We both know that Egon will never use that head at times," I heard someone say from the door. I looked up to see a man leaning on Ecto 1 with a smile on his face. He had very light hair, almost a dark blond, but I knew it was a light brown. He has my blue eyes, and looked a somewhat like me. He looked more like Dad though than he did the rest of us. He had black, more oval type glasses, and he had on a T-shirt and jeans. He must not have had to work for this style of clothes. His hair was long, much like Egon's when it got wet. He walked over and held his arms out for me and I smiled and walked over and hugged him. 

"Ellis!" I cried with joy. He smiled down at me. "What are you doing here?" 

"Came to see you of course," he told me like that was obvious. He was not much like either of us, but he was in the center at least. He was easier to talk to then Egon, but since he was a good five years older than me, I didn't get to see him to often. 

"Now what is the real reason?" 

"To come check up on Egon since I heard about what happened to you both. Are you okay?" he asked looking me in the eye. I smiled. 

"Do I look fine?" 

"You do. And Egon?" 

"Not has well. He won't let me talk to him or anything like that." 

"So Natalie," I looked up to see the others. I was still in Ellis' arm and I smiled up at them. "Who is this fine man?" Peter asked. 

"Ellis, these are the Ghostbusters," I said waving my arm. "Guys, this is Dr. Ellis Spengler, my older brother." 

"How many Spengler's are there?" Winston asked. I smiled. 

"Well let's see we have the twins, two older brothers, the older sister, the younger sister-" I said, and everyone's face looked shocked. Ellis and I laughed knowing that there was three of us. 

"She's kidding," Ellis told them. "There's only the twins and I." 

"Good," Rays said. "We can't take any more Spengler's. We are having trouble with one now," he said, making us look up at the ceiling. Ellis sighed. 

"Come on Nat," he told me. "I think Egon needs a little talk to with his brother and sister." He lead me up the stairs and knocked on the door. I heard Egon move around on the other side of the door, but made no move towards it. 

"Go away Natalie," I heard his tired and upset voice tell me. Too bad for him I wasn't the one who knocked. 

"Wrong sibling Egon," Ellis told him. I heard Egon stop whatever he was doing, thinking. I heard footsteps and slowly the door opened. Egon's head pecked out to see who it was. Egon's hair was a mess, ashes and knots in it. His glasses needed to be cleaned has did his cloths. He had black circles under his eyes and seemed to loss some weight. He was a mess. 

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