30: Hero

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"Egon?" I asked waking up the next morning. I looked around the cage, but I couldn't see him. I stood up, telling myself not to worry and that he was probably behind the bowls where I can't see him. I walked over and looked, but Egon wasn't there. Don't panic, I told myself looking around. You can't find Egon if you panic. I didn't see him until I looked outside the cage. Laying still and in a see through box was my brother. He had his hands over his heart and wouldn't open his eyes no matter how much I yelled at him to do it. 

No, I thought crying. Ligen promised. He said he wouldn't kill Egon; he said his life would be spared. What happened to that? I sank to my knees and placed my head in my hands, trying to stop the tears. This couldn't be Egon's death. I didn't want it to be Egon's death. Egon couldn't be dead. I looked up again and saw Ligen smiling at me. 

"You!" I cried wiping the tears. "You said you wouldn't kill him!" 

"I didn't," he told me. He walked over and opened the cage, keeping me trapped in his arm. He placed me close enough the see that Egon's eyes were opened, but he couldn't move his body. His eyes moved toward me, and if he could, he would have smiled. It was in his eyes. 

"What did you do to him?" I asked tearing my eyes from Egon's to look at Ligen. 

"I did this," he answered and placed his finger's claw on my chest. My body's limps tightened up and then fell limply. I tried to ask what he was doing, but my lips wouldn't move and neither would my tongue. I couldn't move any part of my body. I was just one of those sock dolls that are only good to hold in your hand. Ligen smiled down at me and opened the box made of glass. He seemed to have many things of glass in his throne room. He laid me next to Egon whose eyes watched me the whole time. 

"It faintly wears off," Egon whispered. "I can only speak like this, which is why I didn't answer." 

I wanted to tell him I understood, but my lips still didn't seem to want to move one inch. I wanted to take Egon's hand in my own and feel his pulse in his wrist. I couldn't; all I could do is glance at him. I saw him look at his feet. 

"I know you can't answer," he told him, "so I want you to blink once for no and twice for no. Understand?" Two blinks. "Good. Would you like me to keep talking?" Two blinks. "Alright. Well for one thing you will most likely be able to talk in twenty minutes. That is about how long it was for me to speak. I don't really know much to say, Natalie." 

I closed my eyes and just thought. I wanted to tell him it was okay, that I just wanted to make sure he was okay. Yet I couldn't ask him, I couldn't touch him, I could barely see him. Why would Ligen do this to me? He knew that the only thing I wanted to do was keep Egon safe and talk to him. What does making both of us do? I will have revenge one day. I could hear Ligen's voice almost like he was talking to me. This is Ligen's revenge. 

"E...E..." I said, trying to say his name. Only my tongue was moving, my lips staying shut. 

"Natalie?" he asked, moving his head slightly to the left to look at me. Whatever Liegen had done to us, it was wearing off Egon. It still had a nice hold over me. 

"R.." I got the sound out. I could speak. "Revenge. This is Ligen's revenge on me. I don't know what is going to happen, Egon, but I don't think it will be good." 

"I figured that out already Nat." 

"It's about time," Ligen said opening the glass and picking us both up. He carried me over to the cage and placed my limp body to only watch. He pressed his nail to me again and I could move again. I grabbed the bars has he carried Egon away. 

"Stop!" I called to him, and Ligen turned. Egon's eyes were wide with worry. "Where are you taking him?" 

"Wouldn't you like to know Natalie Spengler?" he asked back. "Me and Egon Spengler here are going to have a nice little talk. A shame he might not come back the same way you knew him." 

With that Ligen carried Egon out of the door. Leaving me alone. I looked around and remembered the first night I was trapped here alone. I had pictures to keep me from crying and going nuts. This time I had nothing but the thought that Egon was going to be changed. I wiped the tears that come flooding down my face. I laid down in the spot Egon usually slept, hoping it would help. 

Why did he have to mess with my heart? Why couldn't he do the same thing he was doing to Egon to me instead? Why did I have to bring Egon into my mess? I asked myself. 

Cause he wants you to suffer. Your heart is the only thing that really matters to you, not your looks or brains or anything. It is the people you care about that makes you you. Nothing else matters and nothing else ever will. You care too much about Egon to let him die. If you did, then he wouldn't have saved him, and then he would be dead instead of alive. You wouldn't want that, never, something inside me answered. 

I hugged my knees crying. Both Egon and I need a hero about now. We need someone to swoop in and save us, let us out of this prison of a book and let us go home. I don't know how the guys are doing, and I want to know. I want Janine to stop crying for Egon and be happy. I want to see Louis again. I just want my friends back. I want my brother here with me. 

I just want to be free and save. 

So guys, I'm thinking about ending this soon. I just think it is stretching out too long and that I should give the guys a rest. Oh, and I don't mean the book. I mean the little story line I have going on. The book is going to be a nice, long, juicing one. Trust me. So did you like this chapter? What do you think is going to happen to Egon? I wonder... On the side you can see a wonderful clip the cup song. No, it is not just that rhythm and song, but a whole bunch of things in it. You really should go look at it. I love it! Peace out my Stars! 

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