28: Where Are They?

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*Winston's pov* 

I woke up to Janine crying out in pain. It wasn't like an injury, but like her heart had been stabbed. For that kind of cry, something must have happened to Egon. I looked at his bed, and he wasn't in it. But it was Natalie's bed she was standing over, crying into the pillow. Where was Natalie? I stood up and nearly stepped in a bucket of snakes. Snakes? Well that might be one answer to the question. 

"Janine?" Peter asked sitting up in bed. "What is wrong?" 

"He took them!" she cried holding up a piece of paper. 

"Who took them?" Ray asked. "Who is them?" 

"Egon and Natalie!" she cried again and shoved the paper in our hands. I looked over it, and read the deep hand writing that seemed to make me want to run for cover. 

I have your friends. They came at their own free will. Do not try to find or stop me this time Ghostbusters, or Egon Spengler will be killed. -Ligen. 

"Oh no," Ray said looking at the letter, not knowing what to do. 

"How did he escape?" I asked taking the paper in my hands. "Natalie said that the book has lost its powers!" 

"Maybe it was a dimension that he had to work out of," Ray said shacking his head. "There could be a number of things to how he got out. The question now is where is he?" 

"And why did he want Egon?" Peter asked looking at Egon's bed. "I mean the only reasonable one to take is Natalie since she was the one who trapped him. But Egon?" 

"And it sounds like he is going to keep them alive," I put in sitting on Natalie's bed. 

"Trying to understand Ligen is a waste of time," Ray told us. "We have to find Natalie and Egon. Their lives may be in danger. So might the whole world." 

"So where do we start looking?" I ask. "If we make a wrong move then Ligen will kill Egon." 

"You have a point Winston," Peter sighs picking up a pair of glasses. They are one of Natalie's spare glasses, the purple a lighter shade than what it usually is. He looked at them for a long time. "Do you think they are okay?" 

"I hope so," Janine cries into Egon's pillow. I just looked at the letter and thought about them. I couldn't even think about what he was doing to them right now. He could be slowly killing them, and when they are close to death let them heal back to health. It was a sick thing if that is what Ligen is doing. Or he could be doing nothing to them and just keeping them captive. It was hard to tell with him, but I did know that Egon and Natalie shouldn't hold their breaths before we found them. 

*Natalie's pov* 

I awake, my head on something hard. It moved up and down, making my head go with it. I looked down and saw that I was sleeping on Egon's chest. I grained and rubbed my face. I picked up my glasses and placed them on my face. I laid back down, but next to Egon this time, and I looked up at the cage roof. It had swirling patterns and I looked so long that I memorized it. I sighed and stood up. The cage rocked, but not to much that I couldn't stand. I walked to where the door was, and I pushed on it. It was sealed shut, and I sighed. I didn't like being trapped again. I walked back over to where Egon was sleeping and sat down. 

I looked at him, and played a little with the twirl in his hair, rolling my eyes. He never really seemed to mind his hair, but I have always told him he should get another style. He never listened. I just smiled and looked at my own curly hair. I re fixed the ponytail and Egon woke up. He put his own glasses on, and he looked over at me. 

"Good morning Natalie," he said looking at his feet. We were both in our pajama's since he took us when we were asleep. I felt the cold air from the door brush my thin pants leg. I looked up to see Ligen walking over. I took Egon's hand in my own, but only to keep him safe. He saw this and didn't say a thing. 

"Good morning Spengler twins," he said. I frowned when I heard that name. I don't know why, but I just didn't like it. Yet I've been called that my whole life, only half of the Spengler twins. "I've brought you both something." 

"What makes you think we would want it?" I asked him. 

"Would you rather starve to death?" he asked placing food in the cage. I frowned even more. 

"No," I answered, and he smiled walking to his throne. I looked at the door they were still closing, and gasped. Spirits were moving around, all trying to break something in the purple sky. They doors were shut and I looked at Ligen. "We are in the book, aren't we?" 

"We are," he answered picking something out of his hair. 

"What?" Egon asked looking at the door. "How is it possibly that Natalie and I are here? Only demons can pass the barrier. No ghost or humans could ever do it, no matter the power." 

"Don't doubt my power Egon Spengler," he told him. I watched him. 

"You did something to us, didn't you?" I asked. "You made it so that we can be here and not be a demon. What did you do to me?" 

"What makes you say that?" he asked, and something about him caught my eye. It was the thing in his pocket. I saw my hairbrush, plates, forks, things that all come from the firehouse. They were in a neat little glass sphere, and something inside the short of junk caught my eye. A knife. A knife with blood on the edge. I also saw badge and many things that seemed to have at least a speak of blood on it. 

"You took them," I said looking at the sphere. He held it out and I gasped, has did Egon. It was filed much more than I thought. Toys, books, pencils, all shorts of things in it. 

"I have always kept things from one of White's family," he told us, his white eye hold us in a trance. "It helps me to use them in the future for whatever reason. I never know if I will need a male or female, so I keep. When twins were born, I always had to snatch up has much has I can. It wasn't easy, it never is. You both are, at the moment, just like me. I have tied your blood into my own so that you can pass into realm you trapped me in," he said pointing at me. "Oh, and don't worry about that Natalie Spengler. I will get revenge one day. Just know that it will deal with him," he said looking at Egon. Ligen walked out of the room, and I sat with a thud. Egon walked over and sat next to me. 

I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. He patted my arm, and I just cried. He didn't say a word, just patted me. I didn't want him to say anything. I just wanted to get the pain out of my system, and the only way is to cry. I just thought about what was going to happen, and it hurt. Egon was going to be hurt, and there would be nothing I could do about it. 

Egon lifted my chin to look at him, and with his thumb he wiped the tears away. He wrapped his arm around me, and he didn't say a thing. Egon never spoke much with his words, but his actions are a mouthful. In just that one act I could hear his voice. Don't cry, it said, it will be okay. Trust me. 

I snuggled closer, and tried to forget he was my twin brother. I- for a moment- only thought of him has not my twin, not my little, but my older brother. That is what he is like to me, and I breathed in him. I just needed Egon here with me and I will be good. He stood up and brought over the food, and we eat together, talking like we didn't know what our fate would be. Like we weren't being held captive in a cage, like we were just sitting in the firehouse, not a care in the world. 

Hey Nikki, are you crying? Hehe :D So I don't even now how many parts are going into this little story line. This is just a throw back to the book that started this one, the New Battle. So it will have a few parts, but it will end, and then the funny stuff will happen again. Or whatever you called the stuff before these chapters. I'm also trying to build up Egon's and Natalie's relationship, just cause I can. Haha, hope you enjoyed it! A really awesome music thing on the side, called After Ever After. Really good! Peace out my Stars! 

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