2: Venkman's Ghost Repellers?

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I was sitting at the small desk with the guys looking over my shoulder. I was showing them what I made. Well, accidentally made, thanks to Slimer. It was a green slime in a beaker, and filled with chemicals I didn't really want to say out loud to them. I poked the slime with a pencil, and it wrapped two little tentacles on it, and slowly ate it. I must say that it has Slimer's ectoplasma in it also. 

"Wow," Ray said looking at it. He poked it with his finger, and it tickled it. 

"It has a mood all it's own," I explained to them. "When Slimer slimed me the other day, unknowing to me, some of it got in the experiment I was working on. The next morning I find this little thing playing with some of my maps. It eats anything wooden that fits in its mouth. Sometimes metal too." 

"So a little Slimer?" Peter asked looking at the slime in disgust. 

"Somewhat," I said. He bent down, and the slime placed a tentacle on his face. He backed away from it, and I laughed. 

"Oh look it likes you," Winston joked. Peter glared at him. 

"Ugh, at least it can't fly," he mumbled, then looked at me. "It can't fly, right?" 

"No, only move with its tentacles," I answered. 

"There are my boys," someone said, and I looked at the door. Standing there was a balding man. He had a small facile hair on his lips, and he looked a lot like Peter. He walked in, and Peter rolled his eyes. 

"Hi Dad," he told him, and I looked at the two. 

"Dad?" I asked, and Peter smiled. 

"Who is this pretty lady?" the man asked taking my hand and kissing it. I smiled a little bit at the jester. 

"Dr. Natalie Spengler," Peter answered. 

"A pleasure to meet you, Natalie," Mr. Venkman told me. 

"Like wise," I said. 

"So what brings you into town?" Ray asked him. 

"I'm here to see my favorite ghost hunters of course," he answered. 

"Promise there are no demons or ghost repellers," Peter said, and I looked at them confused. What were they talking about? 

"Ghost repllers?" I asked, and Peter waved the question away. I watched has Mr. Venkman walked over to my desk and looked at the little beaker of slime. 

"What is this?" he asked me and I took off my glasses to clean them. 

"It is an experiment that didn't turn out how I planed it to," I answered. "A little bit of ectoplasma got into it, so now it is that thing you are looking at." 

"You made this?" he asked me poking the slime while it ate a pen off my desk. I sighed at it since I used that pen a lot, and it was my last one. 

"Yes, I did." 

"What does it do?" 

"Eats all my pens. It doesn't have a purpose, all it does is eat wood and metal, so long has it can fit in its mouth. The more it eats, the bigger it gets. So far it can only eat pencils and pens, but it will eventually get big enough to eat-" 

"That's great!" Mr. Venkman cried looking at it closer. I sighed and walked over to the others. Egon looked at me with wonder. 

"Big enough to eat what?" he asked me. 

"If it keeps eating like that, which I don't plan on doing, it could be huge enough to eat entire buildings and cities. But that is if I keep feeding it. I plan on putting it in a plastic box or something. All it eats is wood and metal, nothing else. I tried giving it more, but it won't eat, or should I say it can't dissolve it. Goes straight through." 

"I see," Egon said with thought. Mr. Venkman walked over to me with a smile on his face. 

"Well, I better get going," he told us, and left. 

"That was odd, even for your dad Peter," Winston said looking at him. Peter shrugged. 

"You get used to odd after a while of it," Peter told Winston, and then left. I sighed and walked over to the beaker. The slime seemed to stop moving, and I looked at it. I poked it with my finger, then tried to feed it a pencil. It wouldn't move. I poured the beaker out, then gasped. The slime in the beaker was not the slime I made, but silly putty. I looked at the door, and glared at it. 

"Peter!" I called to him, and he looked in the room. I walked over to him with the putty in my hand. "Your father just stole the slime I was working on!" 

"He what?" Peter asked playing with what I held in my hand. Then he made a fist. "That no good-" 

"What's the matter?" Ray asked looking at us. So was Egon and Winston. I sighed and placed the putty in another beaker. 

"Peter's dad just stole my slime," I answered. 

"The slime that can eat buildings?" Egon asked. 

"Yes," I answered. 

"Shit," Winston sighed. "You don't think that he would feed it, do you?" 

"Hard to tell," Peter answered getting up when the alarm started to ring. "But duty calls, so let's get to work!" 

I slide down the pole thinking about how I was ever going to get the slime back. I got in the car and we drove to a home. We got out and went inside to see the owner cleaning dishes. She looked up and smiled at us, and showed us where the ghost was. We hit it with our proton packs, got it in a trap, and got the pay in less than an hour. Not bad, but something felt off about what was going to happen next. I just knew that trouble was going to come. I just wish I was wrong. 

How was that? I know, not enough action! But that is the next chapter, this was just to get the action in motion. I would also like to say that this chapter is names after the awesome episode that first showed Peter's dad. Has one of my favorite moments that I am going to write right now! 

Peter: (The Ghostbusters are falling down a tunnel on a boat) Egon you idiot! 

Egon: (Calmly) No, this is right, trust me. 

Ray: (Yelling) We are all going to die! 

Haha, that was like the best part of that episode. Let me know what your favorite part of a show or movie, Ghostbusters or not, is. I love reading y'alls comments, so keep them coming! Peter's dad on the side. Haha, peace out my Stars! 

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