27: Ligen is Back?

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I woke up to someone touching my hand. I looked down and saw Egon fast asleep next to me, and the events of last night went over and over in my head. I looked around and saw where he put the snakes, and I made myself stay where I was, not that my mind was going to fight me. They were on the floor, and I moved closer to Egon's sleeping body. I heard someone move in the corner of the room, and I looked at the beds. Every one of them, besides Egon's, was filled with the sleeping men. I looked in the corner, and gasped.

He was standing there, but he was about my height instead of able to pick me up like last time. His pale skin that was too pale to be a normal human's was a sick shade now. His grey suit still had its red blood stains on it, and I now figured it was blood. His hair still came to his shoulders in the black color it was when I first meant him, and his eyes still were the pupil less white color. He still had his claws out, and he was glaring at my bed, but it was Egon he was glaring at.

"He seems to always get in my way, doesn't he?" he asked walking over and ran his claw over Egon's face. It didn't leave a mark.

"Don' touch him!" I cried, slapping his hand away. Ligen might have scared me once, but this time I wasn't going to back down. No one is going to hurt Egon, not if I can help it.

"Why shouldn't I Dr. Spengler?" he asked, not taking his gaze off of Egon. "He saved you from the cage, he told you about trapping me in the book, he saved your pathetic live, and he took those wonderful snakes off of you. Egon Spengler seems to be a thorn in my side. And I deal with thorns personally."  

"No! I'm the one you want," I said placing my body over his. Why isn't he waking up? What if he can't wake up? Come on ya smart guy, wake up! Any of you! I kept yelling in my head, but the words didn't seem to come out. 

"You are, but that doesn't mean I don't want to get rid of the threat." 

"Do not lay a hand on him!" 

"You are very protective of your brother aren't you? You are going to go with me, Natalie Spengler, and I might spare his life." 

"Might? How will I know you do if you keep me locked in a cage? I won't know if he is alive or dead! You could tell me he is and he could be killed for all I know." 

"You are stubborn," he sighed and picked Egon up by the collar of his night shirt and threw him over his shoulder. All the while Egon didn't open his eyes. No one did. "Come with me and your brother will be kept out of harms way." 

"Why do you need me now?" I asked standing up. "The book is dead." 

"But you are now what I need to stay alive," he answered. "When you trapped me, my life force was bounded to yours. I cannot live if you die. Yet you can live if I die, which will not effect you. So if I will raise my army, you must be kept alive. He is just part of the package you made me have. I had no wish to keep Egon Spengler alive. Now come my dear. I think their is a cage with both of the Spengler's name on it." 

I sighed and walked over to him. He grabbed my arm in his own, and he once again did his smoke trick. I coughed, but this time did not faint. Maybe it was the fact that I was only partly in his hand this time. Whatever the reason, we were suddenly in the throne room I remembered all to well. Ligen slowly grew to his normal size and scooped Egon and I into his hand. He placed us in the cage that had been repaired and locked it. Then he walked out of the room. I sighed and looked at Egon. I crawled over and shock his shoulder. 

Slowly he opened his eyes. He looked up and rubbed his eyes. He didn't have his glasses on, but lucky for him I thought to grab them for him. I grabbed mine too, just in case I had to read or something to stop from dying of boredom. I gave them too him, and he put them on. He looked all around, and then at me. 

"Where are we?" he asked and I smiled. 

"Ligen's throne room," I answered, and Egon looked at me like I had three heads. 


"Yes. While you were busy sleeping, I was saving your life. He would have killed you if I didn't make him agree to bring you here. I'm sorry Egon, but it was the best I could do to save you." 

"I understand. We all do tough things for the people we love. I know I have for you." 

"What do you mean?" 

"When I was taken by the Boogieman, he told me I should watch my sister die first. I begged him to leave you alone, and if he did I would give him all the fear he wanted when he killed me. I would feed him, so long has he let you live. He agreed, and I made him sign something to make sure he was going to do it. It was tough,but I didn't mind dying has long has you stayed safe." 

"Egon, I don't know what to say." 

"Thank you could be one," he said with a smile, and I smiled back. 

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome. I guess that is what twins are for." 

"They are. Even if they are a know-it-all like you." 

"Or a person who is always in trouble like you." 

"I have to give you that one." 

"You always do." 

"Shut up," I said pushing his arm. It felt like we were kids again. It was so easy for us to pick on each other, do things brothers and sisters do. Maybe it was our age, or maybe it was because we were so different, but we didn't get to have these moments. Sometimes I felt that I was going to wake up one day and Egon was going to be gone from my life. I didn't want to loss him, never. Even if I acted like I wanted to hurt him half the time we were together, I did everything in my power to keep him safe. Like he said, that is what twins do. Even if they are trapped in a cage. 

Cliffhanger! I am just slinging out the Egon and Natalie moments! This is going to be a longer story line, but trust me, this isn't the end of the book! I have a lot more to do, but I really wanted to do this one now. So I hope that you cry your little hearts out during these next few chapters. Crap will go down that will effect the other story lines I have. Picture of the guys doing something stupid probably. I'm trying to find this awesome clip where Egon was amazing, but oh well. Peace out my Stars! 

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