50: Home Sweet Home

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I looked out the window, looking at the bags in the back seats of my car. Yes, I had a car, I just used Ecto 1 more. Egon was driving, and it was just us. The others were back in New York working their butts off. I think Egon and I picked a good time to go back home. I also would like to point out that Egon now had a girlfriend. The night I made them kiss they agreed to start going out. I have no idea how far that will go with Egon, but I know that this would be Janine's happy ending. 

"You can smile," Egon told me turning into the drive way of the house I used to call home. It was on a street filled of other children, well when I lived here. They were my age, but they never really talked to me. I didn't talk to them since they made fun of Egon, and that made me mad, even has a child. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Home sweet home, isn't it?" he asked taking a few of the bags out. We planned a full month of being home, so we each had two bags. Just in case we had two of the proton packs. We were not going to be caught anymore, not if we could help it.

I looked at the Ohio street and sighed. It was so peaceful from the streets of New York. It was a nice change for someone who just needs to calm down and take it easy for a few weeks. I smiled at it. It was nice to be home. 

"It is," I answered him grabbing the rest of the bags from my car. I followed Egon up to the steps, and before he could knock, Mom opened the door and smiled at us. 

"There are my babies," she said with a smile. "It's so good to see both of you home. I just wish it was for a while. But you both have jobs to get back to, so come on in!" 

"Thanks Mom," I said and she nodded. We walked in to see Dad sitting at the table working on something. He looked up and smiled at us. 

"Egon, Natalie, it's good to see you," he told us, standing up to give me an awkward hug. Dad passed on the not good at showing emotions, but he did show it to Mom, but I barely ever saw them holding hands her hugging unless one of them was upset. I didn't mind much. 

"It's good to see you out of a hospital room," I replied, making him laugh. I smiled. 

"Natalie, I know that this might be late, but I wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done those things and helped you. Egon told me what happened." 

"He did?" 

"Yes. I don't usually tell you this, but I do love you, and I'm proud of you. I just wish I could show you that. I guess I just expect more from you then your brothers." 

"More?" I asked looking at him strange. I was leaning on the table and he was standing in front of me. Egon and Mom were busy talking about something. They couldn't hear us, or ignoring us. 

"Natalie, I know you can do so much, but you aren't has smart has your brothers. Yet you are smart, but that gets over looked. I know that you can do so much, but I don't think you do. Maybe I should lower the stands I had set before." 

"Would be nice," I told him. He took my hand in my own. I heard some laughter and I looked up to see a little girl and a little boy running towards me. The little boy ran into Egon's arms and the little girl ran into mine. I smiled down at her and pushed back her blond hair that looked a lot like mine. Her eyes were brown though, and she had a missing tooth. I knew she was almost seven. Her name was Grace Spengler, and she was my niece, Ellis' daughter. 

I looked at the little boy, seeing the brown hair, his brown eyes also. He looked more like his mother than his father. Yes, Ellis was married. The only married Spengler child. I smiled at Ed, and he smiled back. The little boy hugged me, his eight year old self just beaming with joy. They both walked over to Ellis and their mother, Wanda. She had long brown hair that was up to her lower back. She had amazing brown eyes, and her skin was pretty pale compared to her husband. 

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