25: Love is in the Air

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"They were what?" Peter asked trying to hold back a smile. I glared at him, not seeing what was so funny. When we got back to the firehouse, I kind of pushed Janine and Ellen into another room and locked it, then did the same to Egon and Ray. I couldn't take anymore lovely dovey stuff. Now I was explaining it to Peter and Winston, and all they could do was laugh. 

"Would you stop laughing!" I cried at them and they looked at me, now learning that I was not kidding. "They need all help, before something big happens!" 

"Nat's right," Winston said making me smile. "So where are they?" 

"I locked them in a room," I said looking at my shoes. 

"Natalie!" Peter exclaimed. 

"What? They were like kissing and making googly eyes at each other! I couldn't stand to see that!" 

"Well I think we will have to find Cupid before we can do anything else," Peter said. "We find him, make his reverse the spell, and then we make fun of Ray and Egon." 

I laughed and agreed. I took the meter Egon placed on the desk and opened it. It had the last reading, and I looked for the class nine that Egon told me about. I looked and saw that it was in the Sagewick Hotel. I smiled at the two people I was with. 

"What to take a trip to the Sagewick?" 


"You must get rid of that thing!" the manger cried at us. We smiled at him and looked at the child like ghost that was shooting people left and right. I knew that I has to avoided those arrows if I didn't want to fall madly in love with someone. 

"Hey dipper boy!" I called, holding the collar behind him. "Come down and show me what you got!" 

The thing growled and charged at me. When it was close enough to place it on it, I stepped aside and it looked down at the metal on its neck. I grabbed it in my arms and it looked at me frighteningly. 

"Now," I growled it never taking my eyes off of me, 'how do we get this spell to wear off?" 

"What are you talking about?" it asked me. 

"You put your love spell on my friends and brother," I answered. "Now how do I fix them?" 

"Why should I tell you?" 

"Because if you don't I'll send you into a place that you won't be allowed to leave. You will be trapped and there are some ghost in there that will love to get their hands on you. Or you could help me and be let free if you stop causing trouble." 

"Alright, alright! I'll help you!" 

"Good," I said and I dragged him to the car. The others followed me. We brought him back to the firehouse and I made him cure the others. They were very mad at me, but I didn't care. Janine and Ellen were first. Then Ray and Egon were next. They rubbed their eyes and looked around, kind of like they had just woken up. I let Cupid go and he flew off, and I never saw him again. 

"What happened?" Ray asked and I smiled at Peter and Winston. We sat them down, and I described what all happened. I don't know what was funnier, Ray's look of shock, Egon's look of disgust, Janine's look of pleasure, or Ellen's look of shock and pleasure. The rest of us couldn't stop from laughing, and they glared at us. Well Egon did, Ray and the girls laughed with us. 

"Hey, don't worry Egon," I said trying to stop from laughing, "I think Janine will forgive you and go for another shoot!" I finished laughing, making him glare harder at me. 

"You are a pain in my side," he told me standing up and walked into another room. I smiled at the door, and before he closed it I called his name, making him look at me. 

"I love you too!" I told him, and he shut the door. I get a little too much pleasure from teasing my brother, but don't we all? Ray and Ellen went off to do something, Janine went to work, and Peter and Winston went to go eat. I went to look at the maps I have been studying, hopping to find what I was looking for. 

HAPPY VALITENE'S DAY! I hope you all like this short chapter. I would have made it longer, but I really couldn't think of lovey dovey stuff for them to say, and the ones I came up with made me sick. So sorry for the shortness. What, I don't have to be sorry about anything! Ha-ha! No, I'm kidding, or am I? Oh, I need to stop... Anyway, I FINALLY figured out what that chapter I was planning on doing was! So I kind of set it up in this chapter. Hehe, I wonder what it will be, don't you? A nice picture of either Ray and Ellen or Egon and Janine, I don't know which I found. Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow (I love saying this; makes me sound like I care)! Peace out my Stars! 

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